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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 105
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Features of reception of the 20th century Russian literature in Iran (Mikhail Bulgakov, Vladimir Nabokov)Аштарани Сусан; Astarani Susan
2023Theme of love and family happiness in the Russian postmodern proseЧжан Юй; Czan Uj
2023Stereotypical view of a kind person in Russian linguistic consciousnessЧжан Хуэй; Czan Huej
2023Russian proverbs that verbalise the opposition «прямота-лукавство» ("directness-slyness"): Linguistic cognitive aspectЧжао Сыминь; Czao Symin
2023Word "самый" ("samyi") as a component of phraseological unit of the modern Russian speechСунь Сяоли; Sun Saoli
2023Metaphorical modeling of the "coronavirus" concept in Russian journalistic textsСизых Мария Михайловна; Sizyh Maria Mihajlovna
2023Theme of gambling in the Russian literature of the 19th centuryЧжан Хуэйминь; Czan Huejmin
2023Literary representations of gender in the magazine "Krasnaya Nov" during the era of NEPЧэн Вань; Cen Van
2023Synonymic rows of Russian adjectives describing personality traits: Functional-semantic aspectВэй И; Vej I
2023Dwelling in Russian and Chinese paremiological space: Linguistic and culturological aspectВан Исюань; Van Isuan
2023Language model fine-tuning with specialised corporaГудков Вадим Вадимович; Gudkov Vadim Vadimovic
2023Main determining factors of the moderator's individual style in media dialogue: Addressee, topic and identityВан Сюефэн; Van Suefen
2023Linguistic and cultural potential of Russian proverbs with components-titles for tools of blacksmiths, joiners and carpenters (against the background of Chinese proverbs)Лю Юэ; Lu Ue
2023Realisation of the category of subjective modality in the modern information and analytical media discourse: Pragmalinguistic aspectЛю Хаотун; Lu Haotun
2023Categories of number and person in the works of Roman grammariansЧернышева Влада Александровна; Cernyseva Vlada Aleksandrovna
2023Conjugate-verbal one-component sentences in communicative-pragmatic aspect: A case study of Viktoriya Tokareva’s worksДуань Сужуй; Duan Suzuj
2022Excessiveness as a violation of behavioral norms: Through the prism of Russian paremics (in comparison with Chinese)Шан Вэньцин; San Vencin
2022Axiological analysis of character’s monologue speech: A case study of Vladimir Nabokov's novels "King, Queen, Knave", "Camera Obscura", "Despair"Ван Мэйянь; Van Mejan
2022Philosophical motives in Thomas Wolfe’s novelsАршинов Михаил Петрович; Arsinov Mihail Petrovic
2021Modern political discourse: A generational approachЕвстигнеева Мария Евгеньевна; Evstigneeva Maria Evgenevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 105