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Результаты 1-10 из 26.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The Realisation of coordinative argumentation in modern American interviewsБорисова Валерия Вячеславовна; Borysova Valeriia
2017Pragmatics of speech acts with understatementГлухова Екатерина Алексеевна; Glukhova Ekaterina
2017A sociolinguistic analysis of the social and political lexicon in Soviet newspapersКириллова Алена Олеговна; Kirillova Alena
2017Cross-cultural communication in political discourse: A Russian-English contrastive analysisМуталлимова Кристина Сахибовна; Mutallimova Kristina
2017The reflexion of Russian and American reality in the Mexican newspaper discourse: Analysis and comparisonКорнеева Анна Андреевна; Korneeva Anna
2016A pragmatic study of the English-language political vocabulary as illustrated by the period of the two cold warsБельке Ксения Евгеньевна; Belke Kseniia
2018Acronyms in English political discourse and problems of their translation into RussianКозырева Мария Андреевна; Kozyreva Maria
2018Analysis of specific features of the speech strategy of the candidate for France presidency E. Macron and their translation into RussianРыкова Марта Вячеславовна; Rykova Marta
2018Cognitive discursive characteristics of British political discourse and American political discourse: A case study of American and British election addressesСаядова Алина Олеговна; Saiadova Alina
2018'CATXIT': specificities of construction the political view of the world in Spain and CataloniaБайра Анна Зурабовна; Baira Anna