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2017Frank Underwood's asides in the "House of Cards" series: The structural and pragmatic aspectsБолтова София Алексеевна; Boltova Sofia
2017Exploring the translation of metaphors in medical discourse: Evidence from the English-Russian translation of "HOUSE M.D.", an American television dramaСтепановайте Каролина Леонидовна; Stepanovaite Karolina
2016Hyperbola, overstatement and understatement in complimentary speech actsГолубева Анастасия Андреевна; Golubeva Anastasiia
2016English speech verbs in fiction and their translation into Russian as illustrated by J.K. Rowling's worksБеседина Александра Сергеевна; Besedina Aleksandra
2016Word-formation devices for metaphor construction in German and their translation into RussianКудряшова Марина Николаевна; Kudriashova Marina
reviewSV_recenziya_YAkimova2.jpg.jpg2016Semantic relations between the components of a nominative chain in fiction: Evidence from Stefan Zweig's novellasЯкимова Мария Алексеевна; Iakimova Mariia
2016The lexico-semantic group "Painting" as illustrated by teaching manuals in the field of study "Painting"Чжао Сыци; Zhao Siqi
2018Negative constructions with metaphorical oppositionТитарова Екатерина Владимировна; Titarova Ekaterina
2018Metaphors in technical translationТолмачев Сергей Михайлович; Tolmachev Sergei
2018Types of names of the protagonist in P. Süskind's novel Das Parfum and methods of their translation into RussianБыстрова Оксана Павловна; Bystrova Oksana