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Результаты 21-30 из 56.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Continuative clauses in modern English as a translation problemНовикова Валерия Константиновна; Novikova Valeriia
2016The semantics of Czech colour nominations and their English equivalents as illustrated by Milan Kundera's prose and its English translationsКапнина Елена Глебовна; Kapnina Elena
2018Translation of board games rules from German into Russian: Grammatical and lexical aspectsМатох Ольга Андреевна; Matokh Olga
2018Lexical grammatical transformations in translation of German jokes into RussianЛисина Лилия Ильинична; Lisina Liliia
2018Acronyms in English political discourse and problems of their translation into RussianКозырева Мария Андреевна; Kozyreva Maria
2018Stylistic potential of ambiguity in terms of translation: A case study of English language fictionРахманкулова Амина Акмаловна; Rakhmankulova Amina
2018Linguistic view of the world and translation: A case study of the translations into English of metaphorical nominations of person in Chekhov’s short storiesЦветкова Анна Александровна; Tsvetkova Anna
2018Analysis of specific features of the speech strategy of the candidate for France presidency E. Macron and their translation into RussianРыкова Марта Вячеславовна; Rykova Marta
2018Phraseologized syntactic constructions with emotive meaning and the problems of their translation from Spanish into RussianХурда Дарья Павловна; Khurda Daria
2018Specific features of the translation of Dante’s “The Divine Comedy” into French, Spanish and EnglishКозлова Анастасия Кирилловна; Kozlova Anastasiia