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Результаты 2881-2890 из 2964.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Cognitive-semantic analysis of verbs «laugh», «smile», «giggle» in Russian against the Chinese backgroundЧжу Мэнтин; Czu Mentin
2024Punctuation of translations of the modern story from Chinese into Russian: A case study of the collection "Forty-third page. Chinese prose of the 21st century"Хэ Цзюньчэн; He Czuncen
2024The Problem of "Aesopian Language" in Russian Literature of the 1960s (The Novel "Three Minutes of Silence" by G.N. Vladimov)Сафронова Софья Сергеевна; Safronova Sofa Sergeevna
2024Problems of Transfer of National-Сultural Vocabulary of Chinese and Russian Languages in English TranslationsСун Вэйцин; Sun Vejcin
2024The system of verbal inflection in the interlanguage of students of Russian as a foreign languageХуан Вэнь; Huan Ven
2024Automatic Recognition of English Loanwords in Russian Speech (Using the IT Field as an Example)Силков Сергей Владимирович; Silkov Sergej Vladimirovic
2024Sentiment analysis of reviews about the service sectorМакеев Кирилл Владимирович; Makeev Kirill Vladimirovic
2024The artistic world of novels by E. G. VodolazkinДуюнова Анастасия Геннадиевна; Duunova Anastasia Gennadievna
2024Figures of speech in economic discourse in the aspect of simultaneous interpreting (based on analysis of SPIEF texts)Безсмертная Елизавета Егоровна; Bezsmertnaa Elizaveta Egorovna
2024The category of artistic time in the postmodern poetics of John Fowles (based on the novel "The Magus" and the story "The Tower of Ebony")Лебедева Анастасия Витальевна; Lebedeva Anastasia Vitalevna