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Результаты 2871-2880 из 2964.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The influence of Amerindian languages on the Spanish language of Central AmericaКрылова Дарья Владимировна; Krylova Dara Vladimirovna
2024Strategies for strengthening argumentation in English-language research linguistic articlesЗинатулина Лилия Ансаровна; Zinatulina Lilia Ansarovna
2024Teaching slang to high school students in an elective courseРинкон Михайлова Карина; Rinkon Mihajlova Karina
2024Strategy of self-representation of Donald Trump during the presidential election campaignТихонова Анастасия Арслановна; Tihonova Anastasia Arslanovna
2024Features of abbreviation in English and Russian social network text messagesСундет Дамели; Sundet Dameli
2024Linguistic characteristics of Internet communication in English-speaking social networksХудайназарова Джемал; Hudajnazarova Dzemal
2024Addresses in FinnishОзерова Екатерина; Ozerova Ekaterina
2024Oracles in the comedies of AristophanesГорда Полина Витальевна; Gorda Polina Vitalevna
2024Associative-verbal field "Loneliness" in the Russian language consciousnessСинь Лумин; Sin Lumin
2024Prefixed verbs-neologisms in informal discourse (in the background of the Greek language)Пирени Пасхалия; Pireni Pashalia