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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 149
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Haptic Techniques in American Cinema of the 1990sВанеева Маргарита Георгиевна; Vaneeva Margarita Georgievna
2023Venedikt Erofeev’s Poem in Prose “Moscow-Petushki”: World Distinctions and Motives CrossoversЧихунова Елизавета Васильевна; Cihunova Elizaveta Vasilevna
2023English "Neo-Romanticism" of the XXth Century as Romanticism of the Modernist Era. Graham Sutherland and His ContemporariesМаксимов Николай Николаевич; Maksimov Nikolaj Nikolaevic
2023Maison Schiaparelli in the Context of Postmodern CultureШамрай Григорий Андреевич; Samraj Grigorij Andreevic
2023Fritz Löffler and Reception of Otto Dix's Art in Post-Soviet RussiaНовиков Евгений Дмитриевич; Novikov Evgenij Dmitrievic
2023Pricing Strategies in the Russian Consumer MarketРоманова Анна Аркадьевна; Romanova Anna Arkadevna
2023Religious and Mythological Images of Infinity: Comparative AnalysisСерова Дарья Ильинична; Serova Dara Ilinicna
2023Literary Allusions in the Art of Odilon RedonКовалева Софья Сергеевна; Kovaleva Sofa Sergeevna
2022Actualizing of the Left Agenda in the USA and Great Britain PoliticsТрушков Антон Игоревич; Truskov Anton Igorevic
2022Rethinking the Language of Body Art. Towards Virtual EmbodimentХадышьян Дарья Георгиевна; Hadysan Dara Georgievna
2022The theme of moral degradation in the work of G.M.Korzhev in the 1980sМалыхина Валентина Игоревна; Malyhina Valentina Igorevna
2022Economics of “Nord Stream 2”Калитеевская Нина Ивановна; Kaliteevskaa Nina Ivanovna
2022Interaction of metaphor and metonymy in a literary text (based on the work of Maria Stepanova)Чанышева Айсылу Ринатовна; Canyseva Ajsylu Rinatovna
2022Cryptoart as a new stage in the field of art and the impact of NFT tokens on the art marketГонтаровская Юлия Викторовна; Gontarovskaa Ulia Viktorovna
2022The phenomenon of platformization in developing economies: institutional characteristicsКатасонова Марина Евгеньевна; Katasonova Marina Evgenevna
2022Semantic field of anxiety in the Russian language literature of the first third of the XX centuryЛавренова Ксения Семеновна; Lavrenova Ksenia Semenovna
2022Transtextuality of V. Nabokov's novel "Ada"Усова Мария Денисовна; Usova Maria Denisovna
2022Designing an Application for Automatic Recognition of Chords Based on Musical Audio SignalsУстинова Василиса Алексеевна; Ustinova Vasilisa Alekseevna
2022Ambiguity as Goal and Device in E.A.Poe's TalesВаркки Варвара Александровна; Varkki Varvara Aleksandrovna
2022The Objective and the Non-Objective in the Art of Wassily KandinskyДанилова Лина Владимировна; Danilova Lina Vladimirovna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 149