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Результаты 21-30 из 35.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Football in sports diplomacy: The French and Russian experienceПокидова Эллина Юрьевна; Pokidova Ellina
2018Linguistic direction of the foreign cultural policy of France in the beginning of the 21st century in RussiaИванова Инна Олеговна; Ivanova Inna
reviewSV_IMG_0613.PNG.jpg2017The impact of the colonial policy of France on the threat of terrorism in contemporary international relationsТимофеева Ирина Викторовна; Timofeeva Irina
2021Representation of the 1968 protests in the French press (2008-2018)Москаленко Диана Денисовна; Moskalenko Diana Denisovna
2021The linguistic policy of France as a means of strengthening the role of the French language in international relationsСорока Кристина Валентиновна; Soroka Kristina Valentinovna
2020The social consequences of the transformation of E. Macron’s domestic policyПау Антон Николаевич; Pau Anton Nikolaevic
2019The comparison of methods of brand state positioning: Case studies of Russia and FranceКосцов Никита Артемович; Koscov Nikita Artemovic
2019International activity of the province of Quebec in 2003-2018Окунева Алёна Андреевна; Okuneva Alena Andreevna
2020The image of the National Rally party in Russian and foreign mediaЮрков Денис Андреевич; Urkov Denis Andreevic
2020France's relations with North African countries: a case study of Algeria, Morocco and TunisiaМатюшина Софья Алексеевна; Matusina Sofa Alekseevna