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2017Problems of professional motivation of employees in the sphere of education on the example of a pedagogical collectiveРезван Ирина Геннадьевна; Rezvan Irina
2017Motivation as a key factor of communication and management processes in youth organisations of Saint-Petersburg and PragueСавченко Алеся Александровна; Savchenko Alesia
2016Management of the personnel motivation in non-commercial organisationsГабдрахманова Карина Ильдаровна; Gabdrakhmanova Karina
2016Motivation and promotion of retail employees in ChinaЧжао Лили; Zhao Lili
2020Game engineering management as a technique for developing personnelНабокин Иван Иванович; Nabokin Ivan Ivanovic
2020Motivation of young professionals in the system of public serviceБрижак Юлия Олеговна; Brizak Ulia Olegovna
2022Labor motivation of employees of a commercial organisation: a case study of an investment companyБабкина Елена Сергеевна; Babkina Elena Sergeevna