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Результаты 111-120 из 130.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Otzyv_Lukinceva_V.A..jpg.jpg2020The History of the Trasological Theory Development in the Russian Science (the Late 19th - Early 21st Centuries)Лукинцева Валерия Алексеевна; Lukinceva Valeria Alekseevna
2020Organization of Museum Marketing in Regional Museums: a Case Study of the Chuvash National MuseumКокорева Анастасия Александровна; Kokoreva Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2020The Formation and Current Situation in the Museum Business of the Republic of Khakassia (1930 - 2018)Шевченко Анастасия Андреевна; Sevcenko Anastasia Andreevna
2020Pre-trial Mediation in Russian Islam: Historical Traditions and ModernityТутова Софья Игоревна; Tutova Sofa Igorevna
2020The Storage and Display of the Old Russian Notated Manuscripts of the 16th - 17th CenturiesКуприянова Анна Сергеевна; Kuprianova Anna Sergeevna
2021The nature and characteristics of the indoctrination of the Volkisch movement by their press during the Weimar RepublicКистень Роман Викторович; Kisten Roman Viktorovic
2021Between confession and local patriotism: The Thirty Years' War in the diaries of the German clergyИсаков Дмитрий Валерьевич; Isakov Dmitrij Valerevic
2021The socio-political crisis in Yugoslavia in 1989 - 1991 as covered by the Soviet pressКузнецов Иван Игоревич; Kuznecov Ivan Igorevic
2021History of constructivist architecture in Russia (1922 - 1932)Лян Лэи; Lan Lei
2021The organizational structure of contemporary art museumsЦзян Чжоин; Czan Czoin