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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The Don flotilla during the Russian-Turkish War of 1735 - 1739Белоусов Александр Сергеевич; Belousov Aleksandr
2016German military elite in the Early Modern ego-documents and socio-cultural tradition as illustrated by Fabian von DohnaМедведь Алексей Олегович; Miadzvedz Aliaksei
2016Russian avant-garde in art criticism of the "Apollo" magazine in 1909 - 1918Мунжуков Глеб Дамирович; Munzhukov Gleb
2017Religious life of the occupied areas of Oryol Oblast in 1941 – 1943Игнатьев Владислав Вячеславович; Ignatev Vladislav
2017The national-revolutionary wing of the Conservative Revolutionary Movement in Germany in the 1920s – 1930sШупилов Никита Викторович; Shupilov Nikita
reviewSV_Barrios_recenziya.jpg.jpg2017Russian emigration to Chile, Argentina and Paraguay after the Great Patriotic WarБарриос Муньос Себастьян Алехандро; Barrios Munoz Sebastian Alejandro
2017Turkish schools in Middle AsiaАйвазян Рипсиме Артемовна; Ayvazyan Hripsime
2016The populist discourse in the theory and practice of SurrealismДин Явэй; Ding Yawei
2016A comparative study in the "special historical period" of Russian and Chinese intelligentsiaЧэнь Чинчин; Chen Qingqing
2016The Petrograd newspaper "Novaya zhizn" in 1917Волоцкой Александр Сергеевич; Volotskoi Aleksandr