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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 736
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Implementation of counterfactual regret minimization algorithms in imperfect information gamesТокарева Ксения Владимировна; Tokareva Ksenia Vladimirovna
2022Visualisation of enterprise staff structure with distribution of departments interacting with each otherПешне Кристина Андреевна; Pesne Kristina Andreevna
2022An exponential stability criterion of linear systems with distributed delay and its application to robust stability analysisКудряков Дмитрий Александрович; Kudrakov Dmitrij Aleksandrovic
2022Application of artificial neural networks in music generation problemsСалихов Марат Ахатович; Salihov Marat Ahatovic
2022Methods of CUDA technology for processing digital images on graphics processorsАкиньшин Вадим Витальевич; Akinsin Vadim Vitalevic
2022Analysis of streaming protocols and media servers during online conferencesЖаворонков Владислав Олегович; Zavoronkov Vladislav Olegovic
2022Natural language text completion using deep learningМенчуков Павел Александрович; Mencukov Pavel Aleksandrovic
2022Comparative analysis of automatic control approaches to a vehicle suspension systemЧугунов Никита Алексеевич; Cugunov Nikita Alekseevic
2022On properties of characteristic functions in cooperative games with an additive utility functionСавин Кирилл Алексеевич; Savin Kirill Alekseevic
2022Effective compression of relational databasesХайрутдинова Жасмин Джамильевна; Hajrutdinova Zasmin Dzamilevna
2022Text summarisation in social network analysisДорош Мишель; Doros Misel
2022Company distribution operation planning based on SWOT model using FAHP methodХэ Юйлун; He Ujlun
2022Development and implementation of a Linux kernel module for efficient memory allocation of small objectsБадмаев Ананда Аюрович; Badmaev Ananda Aurovic
2021Modelling transport routing for solving the problem of logistics company work optimisationОлешкевич Евгений Валерьевич; Oleskevic Evgenij Valerevic
2021Program for creating the minimum size of root file system images for application containersНиколаева Ирина Николаевна; Nikolaeva Irina Nikolaevna
2021Application of neural networks for gender and age recognition based on photographsКнязев Никита Андреевич; Knazev Nikita Andreevic
2021Black hole parameters in the framework of the two-body problem modelХалявин Максим Дмитриевич; Halavin Maksim Dmitrievic
2021Development of a system for automated collection and data processing for machine learningИгнатьев Денис Игоревич; Ignatev Denis Igorevic
2021Fault-tolerant distributed computing in Python based on control flow objectsТерещенко Дмитрий Владиславович; Teresenko Dmitrij Vladislavovic
2021Analysis of factors affecting the crime rate in St. PetersburgКовалев Денис Александрович; Kovalev Denis Aleksandrovic
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 736