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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Client side development of digital twin for computer support of precision agriculture tasksВоробьёв Владислав Валерьевич; Vorobev Vladislav Valerevic
2024Image recognition of mathematical expressionsМороз Егор Романович; Moroz Egor Romanovic
2024Random search and machine learning methods for obtaining cost-optimal road trajectory on the terrainРычков Андрей Сергеевич; Ryckov Andrej Sergeevic
2024Neural network technologies and mathematical statistics methods for forecasting ratings of animated worksТоппер Алина Михайловна; Topper Alina Mihajlovna
2024Forecasting time series with multiple factors in macroeconomics and testing hypotheses about the dependence between factorsДорофеев Олег Артёмович; Dorofeev Oleg Artemovic
2024Numerical modelling and analysis of characteristics of an auto-emission electron-optical systemВековцев Вячеслав Владиславович; Vekovcev Vaceslav Vladislavovic
2024Optimisation of advertising costs in social networks by means of influence modelsСубботина Екатерина Андреевна; Subbotina Ekaterina Andreevna
2024Motion control of the robot manipulatorХанеева Динара Владимировна; Haneeva Dinara Vladimirovna
2024Neural network methods in fraud detection applicationsПивнев Игорь Алексеевич; Pivnev Igor Alekseevic
2024Biomedical time series сlassificationХоменко Ирина Евгеньевна; Homenko Irina Evgenevna
2024Gradient descent methods based on the Runge — Kutta method with Lagrange — Buhrman decompositionКириллов Роман Борисович; Kirillov Roman Borisovic
2024Methods of image color correction under hardware limitations of UAVsФранцев Семён Викторович; Francev Semen Viktorovic
2024Analytical testing of numerical methods for solving the Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equationsТрофимов Кирилл Игоревич; Trofimov Kirill Igorevic
2024Development of neural network methods for segmentation of diseases of cultivated plants by multispectral images in precision agricultureНикитин Александр Викторович; Nikitin Aleksandr Viktorovic
2024Modelling the passage of a potential barrier by an electronРыбинских Анастасия Сергеевна; Rybinskih Anastasia Sergeevna
2024Recognition of medical mask`s presence on a person`s face using computer vision methodsГусев Егор Витальевич; Gusev Egor Vitalevic
2024Investigation of self-tuning distributed database management systemsКравцов Тимур Тихонович; Kravcov Timur Tihonovic
2024Use of modern Web-technologies for virtualisation of GPU-based computations platformМатюхин Александр Юрьевич; Matuhin Aleksandr Urevic
2023An application of a new algorithm for calculation [0,1]-nucleolus in bi-cooperative gamesКрейс Диана; Krejs Diana
2023Level of income by regions of the Russian Federation. Spatial analysisЯнн Александр; Ann Aleksandr
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 736