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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 110
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Assessment of DNA methylation profile during cryopreservation and long-term storage of germ cellsБеспалов Николай Алексеевич; Bespalov Nikolaj Alekseevic
2024Study of the effect of mutations in the UPF1 gene on the viability of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying mutations in the sup35 and sup45 genesЛи Биеонгхюн; Li Bieonghun
2023Leptin signaling system in the hypothalamus, pituitary and testes of ratsКузнецова Вероника Сергеевна; Kuznecova Veronika Sergeevna
2023Characterization of antiviral activity of new compounds from the capsid-binding agents group against enterovirusesМихальский Михаил Геннадьевич; Mihalskij Mihail Gennadevic
2023Endobiotic ciliates from the gut of the zebra Equus quagga in the Vladivostok zooБелоконь Мария Евгеньевна; Belokon Maria Evgenevna
2023Antigenic properties of neuraminidase subtype N 9Копылова Нина Вадимовна; Kopylova Nina Vadimovna
2023Muscle transfection with DNA-cationic peptides complex coated with anionic peptidesДевяткин Дмитрий Михайлович; Devatkin Dmitrij Mihajlovic
2023Polyphasic characterization of new cyanobacterial strains from Saint-Petersburg State University CALU collectionКолган Ника Руслановна; Kolgan Nika Ruslanovna
2023Characteristics of antibiotic activity of synthetic analogues of natural peptides of innate immunity having beta-hairpin conformationРакова Мария Олеговна; Rakova Maria Olegovna
2023The level of tight junction proteins in the epithelium of cerebral vessels of mdx miceИсаева Ирина Геннадьевна; Isaeva Irina Gennadevna
2023Small signaling peptide RALF34 as a regulator of intracellular processes in Cucumis sativus rootsМашкина Валерия Владиславовна; Maskina Valeria Vladislavovna
2023Analysis of the effect of antiorthostatic suspension (hind limb suspension) on the level of neurogenesis in the hippocampus of miceМилов Святослав Игоревич; Milov Svatoslav Igorevic
2023Identification of chromosomal rearrangements in chicken erytroblastoid cell line HD3 by Hi-C and FISH approachesПлотников Владимир Алексеевич; Plotnikov Vladimir Alekseevic
2023Wood anatomy of Linnaea borealis L. and closely related speciesМатвеев Константин Андреевич; Matveev Konstantin Andreevic
2023Ultrastructural aspects of the cytoskeleton and flagellar apparatus evolution of unicellular OpisthokontaЯрошенко Владислав Валерьевич; Arosenko Vladislav Valerevic
2021Development of the test-system for assesement of eferocytosis effectivityБурнусуз Александра Валентиновна; Burnusuz Aleksandra Valentinovna
2021Flora of the natural sanctuary “Troyeglazovsky landscapes”Зуева Анна Сергеевна; Zueva Anna Sergeevna
2021Study of the barrier properties of the rat colon under the action of tumor necrosis alpha-factorЗудова Татьяна Игоревна; Zudova Tatana Igorevna
2021Analysis of aggregation of the VTG2 protein fragments of Gallus domesticus in yeast model systemВалина Анна Алексеевна; Valina Anna Alekseevna
2021Immunohistochemical analysis of claudins in various areas of the rat brainГоробец София Сергеевна; Gorobec Sofia Sergeevna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 110