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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 240
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The priorities of Shinzo Abe's domestic policy: The case of education policyРахматуллин Илья Владиславович; Rahmatullin Ila Vladislavovic
2024Tales of initiation of the Islamic philosopher Shihab al-Din Yahya al-SuhrawardiКутовых Данила Дмитриевич; Kutovyh Danila Dmitrievic
2024Noun class derivation in Old UyghurКлимина Екатерина Алексеевна; Klimina Ekaterina Alekseevna
2024Plant symbolism in Forugh Farrokhzad's "Another Birth" collectionБеседина Александра Сергеевна; Besedina Aleksandra Sergeevna
2024The category of participle and verbal adverb: A comparison of evidence from Turkish and YakutГаджиева Айгун Байрамовна; Gadzieva Ajgun Bajramovna
2024Thailand-China relations from 1975 to present: A historical analysisЦыремпилова Наталья Олеговна; Cyrempilova Natala Olegovna
2024The development of the nuclear programme of the DPRK in 2012 - 2022: A political perspectiveГубина Дарья Игоревна; Gubina Dara Igorevna
2023Economic development of the Shaanxi province in the 2010s: Sectoral analysis and information systems developmentЛи Юе; Li Ue
2023Young female slang in Modern JapaneseШишкин Валерий Андреевич; Siskin Valerij Andreevic
2023Neoliberal economic reforms of the Koizumi Cabinet: 2001 - 2006Новикова Анна Владимировна; Novikova Anna Vladimirovna
2023Genre strategy of the detective fiction in the works of Mai JiaГрольярдова Софья Александровна; Grolardova Sofa Aleksandrovna
reviewSV_Soglasie_na_obrabotku_dannyh.jpg.jpg2023Webtoons as a part of South Korean culture in the XXI century: A case study of several romantic storiesАвраменко Полина Андреевна; Avramenko Polina Andreevna
2023Modality of legislative texts in ChineseСтукова Алена Вячеславовна; Stukova Alena Vaceslavovna
2023Enomoto Takeaki's "The Siberian Diary" as an important source on the history of the perception of Russia in JapanШиплюк Виктория Александровна; Sipluk Viktoria Aleksandrovna
2023Interaction between central and regional authorities in the PRC: The case of the Sichuan Province and the city of Chongqing in 1990-2020sСунгуров Артур Темирланович; Sungurov Artur Temirlanovic
2023The Wuxia genre in Chinese online literatureФедорова Дарья Сергеевна; Fedorova Dara Sergeevna
2023The impact of the principles of the mid-19th century French Symbolism on the literary style of Chuya NakaharaЯскажук Мария Константиновна; Askazuk Maria Konstantinovna
2023Ideological and artistic originality of Bi Feiyu's literary autobiography "North Jiangsu Juvenile Don Quixote"Павлова Евдокия Ильинична; Pavlova Evdokia Ilinicna
2023The debate about the social structure of the Chinese society in the early 21st centuryСавина Кристина Сергеевна; Savina Kristina Sergeevna
2023Innovations in the legal regulation of civil service in the PRC after 2012Безруков Данила Александрович; Bezrukov Danila Aleksandrovic
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 240