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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 240
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The development of the digital economy in Japan in the 2010s and the establishment of the Digital AgencyЕрмолина Ольга Ильинична; Ermolina Olga Ilinicna
2023Graphic representation of the text of the Quran: A historical retrospectiveБыкова Анна Викторовна; Bykova Anna Viktorovna
2023Indian labour market: A gender analysisЧернецкая Анастасия Александровна; Cerneckaa Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2023The image of the overseas Chinese in American and Chinese cinema: A comparative analysisКалашник Елизавета Евгеньевна; Kalasnik Elizaveta Evgenevna
2023Yakuwarigo in the Japanese translation of Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express"Жидкова Александра Васильевна; Zidkova Aleksandra Vasilevna
2023Reconstructing the belief system of early Vietnam: Archaeological and ethnographic evidenceЗорин Арсений Андреевич; Zorin Arsenij Andreevic
2022Japanese and Italian colonialism in the first half of the 20th century: A comparative analysisБаллетта Альфредо; Balletta Alfredo
2022The role of Turkic countries in the world economy and international economic relations in the early 21st centuryОруджов Магамед Джейхун; Orudzov Magamed Dzejhun
2022The problem of revelation (waḥy) and the ontological status of the Quran in the writings of neo-modern Islamic thinkers: The cases of F.Rahman and N.H. Abu ZaydАбубакаров Сайидмухаммад Магомедназирович; Abubakarov Sajidmuhammad Magomednazirovic
2022The image of the child in Chinese literature: Its evolution in the 20th centuryКрайнова Анна Константиновна; Krajnova Anna Konstantinovna
2022The role of the Republic of Korea in the world economy and international relations in the 20th - 21st centuries: Characteristics, problems, and prospectsФаттахов Джаудат Хамитович; Fattahov Dzaudat Hamitovic
2022Green economy in the Arab region and its growth prospects: The case of the Gulf countriesГареева Луиза Ильдаровна; Gareeva Luiza Ildarovna
2022The economic recession of the 1990s and the decline of the Japanese management system as reflected in the works by Morioka Koji: A critical analysis of 日本経済の選択ー企業のあり方を問うГафиева Рената Маратовна; Gafieva Renata Maratovna
2022The theme of Japan's economic leadership in Kuroki Ryou's novelsАбрамова Татьяна Альбертовна; Abramova Tatana Albertovna
2022Foreign policy of Iran in the 20th centuryВасильева Ульяна Вячеславовна; Vasileva Ulana Vaceslavovna
2022METI's policy on Russia-Japan relations under the cabinet of Abe Shinzo: 2012 - 2020Меркулова Ксения Евгеньевна; Merkulova Ksenia Evgenevna
2022Developing language competence at language schools in Japan: Methodology and linguodidacticsСидорова Мария Андреевна; Sidorova Maria Andreevna
2022Juvenile crime in post-war and contemporary Japan: 1945 - 2020sЛачкова Екатерина Алексеевна; Lackova Ekaterina Alekseevna
2022National minorities of the Heilongjiang provinceВиноградова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Vinogradova Anastasia Evgenevna
reviewSV_Otzyv_Davidovic.jpg.jpg2022Electional astrology in Arab-Muslim medieval mystical practicesДавидович Яна Ильинична; Davidovic Ana Ilinicna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 240