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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 240
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Badretdinov_otzyv_2022.jpeg.jpg2022Language policy in Egypt: History and current issuesБадретдинов Артём Филюзович; Badretdinov Artem Filuzovic
2022The issues of Islam-Christianity dialogue in IraqПодплетнев Александр Александрович; Podpletnev Aleksandr Aleksandrovic
2022Development and implementation of alternative energy sources: The cases of Japan and GermanyСтулова Екатерина Владимировна; Stulova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
2022"Lekianoba" invasions in the context of Georgian-Dagestani historical and culltural relationsАвдонкина Наталья Сергеевна; Avdonkina Natala Sergeevna
reviewSV_Otzyv_Ersov.jpg.jpg2022Principles of rationalist philosophy in the writings of Hassan al-TurabiЕршов Всеволод Владимирович; Ersov Vsevolod Vladimirovic
2022Novels by the Omani writer Ali al-MaamariВолощенко Глеб Эдуардович; Volosenko Gleb Eduardovic
2022Russian-Japanese cooperation in the energy sector: The evolution of relations, current state, problems and prospectsБеломоин Владислав Альфредович; Belomoin Vladislav Alfredovic
2022The rise of epistolary culture of the Middle Kingdom: A comparison of letters to the dead and letters to the livingХапрова Анна Викторовна; Haprova Anna Viktorovna
2022Human capital development as part of national development programmes of the GCC membersЦветкова Елена Владимировна; Cvetkova Elena Vladimirovna
2022Japan's foreign policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: 2000 - 2021Галигузов Николай Сергеевич; Galiguzov Nikolaj Sergeevic
2022Concepts of Euro-Islam in the works of contemporary Islamic theologiansКиселев Ярослав Игоревич; Kiselev Aroslav Igorevic
2022The impact of domestic policies of the development of railway networks in post-war and contemporary JapanРогов Егор Олегович; Rogov Egor Olegovic
2022The Chinese community in Southeast Asian countries in the 19th - 20th centuries: A sociocultural transformationСащенко Мария Васильевна; Sasenko Maria Vasilevna
2022The free trade agreement between the EEU and Vietnam: Its impact on Russia-Vietnam economic tiesКеримов Рафик Рафиг оглы; Kerimov Rafik Rafig ogly
2022The development of Buddhism in Siam (Thailand) in the second half of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuriesИгнатьев Михаил Алексеевич; Ignatev Mihail Alekseevic
reviewSV_Dubrovskaa_otzyv_2022.jpeg.jpg2022The sociolinguistic dimension of the educational process: Native speakers of Arabic in the Russian FederationДубровская Карина Владимировна; Dubrovskaa Karina Vladimirovna
2021China's Belt and Road Initiative: Development and implementationАбдураманова Диана Ренатовна; Abduramanova Diana Renatovna
reviewSV_Tretak_otzyv_NAUCRUK.jpeg.jpg2021The concept of feminism as represented in the sociocultural context of Russian MuslimsТретьяк Анастасия Николаевна; Tretak Anastasia Nikolaevna
2021Chinese transcription systems in a diachronic perspectiveШмырева Виктория Игоревна; Smyreva Viktoria Igorevna
2021The development of digital economy in the PRCШишкина Алена Олеговна; Siskina Alena Olegovna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 240