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Результаты 13788 по 13807 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2022International cooperation in the fight against cyberpression in the context of response to new challenges and threatsKlevtsov, Kirill K.
2023International Cooperation in the Settlement of Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises in West AfricaОритша Флора; Oritsa Flora
2019International cooperation in the sphere of protection of intellectual property rights to softwareКаменский Игорь Андреевич; Kamenskij Igor Andreevic
2024International cooperation of Russia and China in the field of tourismСмирнова Елизавета Андреевна; Smirnova Elizaveta Andreevna
сен-2016International Copyright Protection of in TelecastingTalimonchik, Valentina P.
2017The International Court of Justice in the settlement of international conflictsМаширова Юлия Александровна; Mashirova Iuliia
2023International Courts and the development of the US legal systemСидорова Елена Алексеевна; Sidorova Elena Alekseevna
2018International cultural ties of the PRC in the framework of BRICSГао Вэньцзин; Gao Wenjing
2023International Digital Marketing: Modern Challenges and TrendsЧанмисри Джиратха; Canmisri Dziratha
2020The international dimension of the problem of human trafficking in MexicoБойко Анна Викторовна; Bojko Anna Viktorovna
2024International economic sanctions as barriers in international private law relations and how to overcome them through the protection of rightsШабельников Александр Сергеевич; Sabelnikov Aleksandr Sergeevic
2021International ecotourism and its development in Australia, Germany and RussiaВоронина Ольга Сергеевна; Voronina Olga Sergeevna
2017The international engagement of the Russian Orthodox Church under Patriarch Kirill: New dimensionsАнгудович Ольга Ивановна; Angudovich Olga
2022International experience of teaching Chinese as a foreign language to schoolchildren in Russia, China, and KyrgyzstanМаэрцзян Еэркэнь; Maerczan Eerken
дек-2023International factors of democratization of Post-Soviet states: Using FSQCAMukhametov, Ruslan S.
2022International Franchisee’s Strategy on Adapting to Local Market: The Case of McDonald's & StarbucksМунаввар -; Munavvar
2019International global city’s strategies in the sphere of international negotiation and its impact on the national image as illustrated by London, Paris and GenevaМкртчян Яна Арменовна; Mkrtcan Ana Armenovna
2018International Information activities of the USA and the Russian FederationКулдышева Эльза Имран кызы; Kuldysheva Elza
2016International information in mass media of Russia and SpainДанченко Анастасия Сергеевна; Danchenko Anastasiia
2018International information in modern media: The American experienceИвина Валерия Сергеевна; Ivina Valeriia