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Результаты 13159 по 13178 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Influence of Institutional Environment on Opportunity-Motivated Entrepreneurs: Evidence From GEM DateКудевич Мария Алексеевна; Kudevich Maria
2011The influence of institutional factors on the internationalisation of foreign small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the Russian market: The case of Finnish SMEsShalonya, Anastasia; Шалонья, А.
дек-2023Influence of institutions and internationalization on environmental performance of metallurgical MNEsErmolaeva, L. A.; Klishevich, D. S.; Garanina, O. L.; Panibratov, A. Y.
2012Influence of Intangible Capital on company's Market Value: evidence from IT industrySoldatova, Anastasia
2012Influence of intellectual capital disclosure in initial public offering prospectuses on post-issue performance: Evidence of technology companies listed on NASDAQManuilova, Alexandra S.; Мануйлова, А. С.
2020Influence of intellectual capital investment on the playing and financial performance of football clubs in the English Premiere LeagueДинкова Виктория Валентинова; Dinkova Viktoria Valentinova
2023Influence of internal heat sources on deformation behaviour of shape memory alloysАнисимова Дарина Михайловна; Anisimova Darina Mihajlovna
2017The influence of international investment on the cultural life of St.PetersburgГоряева Амулана Владимировна; Goriaeva Amulana
2023The Influence of International Social Network Ban on Consumers' Attitude to Russian Social Media: Case of VKИлива Мария Николаевна; Iliva Maria Nikolaevna
2020Influence of Internet marketing tools on brand equity in the cat food market in RussiaОлифир Сергей Иванович; Olifir Sergej Ivanovic
2022The Influence of Internet of Things on Customer Experience in RetailСеменов Иван Владимирович; Semenov Ivan Vladimirovic
2023The influence of interseasonal variability of thermohaline water structure on ecosystems of semi-isolated tidal waters of the Kandalaksha Bay, the White SeaМаховиков Алексей Дмитриевич; Mahovikov Aleksej Dmitrievic
2021The influence of interspecific interactions of members of the normal skin microbiota on sensitivity to antibioticsАбдуразакова Екатерина Александровна; Abdurazakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2011The influence of investor relations in financial companies on the cost of capital: The case study of European countriesTrofimova, Elena; Трофимова, Е.
дек-2017Influence of irrelevant verbal satiation on the negative priming effectNaumenko, Olga V.; Kostina, Daria I.
2019Influence of irrigation solutions on the degree of root canal cleaningСоловьев Александр Николаевич; Solovev Aleksandr Nikolaevic
2016The influence of Islam on the economic development of the Arab countriesАливердиева Эльвира Бубаевна; Aliverdieva Elvira
2016Influence of Italian design on Soviet cultureКистенёва Анастасия Сергеевна; Kisteneva Anastasiia
2017Influence of Knowledge Management Practices on Company Performance Results in Russian ContextGavrilova, T.; Alsufiev, A.; Pleshkova, A.
2018Influence of Knowledge Management Practices on Organizational Performance: Empirical Research on Russian SMEsКолотова Юлия Дмитриевна; Kolotova Iuliia