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Результаты 13040 по 13059 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2020Inequality of opportunities: Interpretation, methods and problems of estimationIbragimova, Zulfiya F.; Frants, Marina V.
2017Infectious complications after tooth extraction and dental implant surgeryБалин Кирилл Дмитриевич; Balin Kirill
2023Infectious complications of mechanical trauma in the practice of the maxillofacial surgeonЛисовая Лиана Сергеевна; Lisovaa Liana Sergeevna
июн-2023Inference pragmatics of the interjection hm in stress interaction (based on the medical consultations of an oncologist and a cancer patient)Osipenko, Tatiana A.
2016Inferring attributes of social networks users using social graph analysisПрокопьева Анна Анатольевна; Prokopeva Anna
2012Inferring interplanetary magnetic field polarities from geomagnetic variationsVokhmyanin, M. V.; Ponyavin, D. I.
2016Infinite plates with elliptic inclusions under uniaxial tensionТарасов Андрей Викторович; Tarasov Andrey
2016Inflation targeting: Theoretical foundations and Russian practiceТутберидзе Кристина; Tutberidze Kristine
2014Inflectional paradigm and decomposition in a second languageGor., K.
2017Inflight magazines as new mediaСмирнова Татьяна Викторовна; Smirnova Tatiana
2022Influence Marketing in Social Networks: Impact on Consumer Behavior in Russian MarketАфанасьева Анастасия Юрьевна; Afanaseva Anastasia Urevna
2018The influence of a child’s attachment on adaptation and recovery process in patients with schizotypal disordersЗвенигородская Юлия Дмитриевна; Zvenigorodskaia Iuliia
2017The influence of a cited fragment on the semantics and the structure of the context as illustrated by Old Russian texts of different styles and epochsГильман Михаил Павлович; Gilman Mikhail
2017Influence of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field on current distribution in main circuit elements of high-voltage electrical devicesБелошейкин Даниил Владиславович; Belosheikin Daniil
дек-2016The influence of adrenaline on contractility and excitability of myocardium of rat right ventricle depending on phases of the estrous cycle and pregnancyKorotaeva, Yuliya V.; Nozdrachev, Alexander D.; Tsirkin, Victor I.
дек-2016The influence of aerotechnogenic pollution on Scots pine’s radial growth in Kola NorthMiulgauzen, Daria S.; Pankratova, Lubov A.
2018Influence of Airline Business-Model on its Efficiency: Data Envelopment AnalysisКрючков Ярослав Петрович; Kriuchkov Iaroslav
2024The influence of Amerindian languages on the Spanish language of Central AmericaКрылова Дарья Владимировна; Krylova Dara Vladimirovna
2018The Influence of Animated Content on the Formation of the Moral Consciousness of the ChildАлексеева Анастасия Николаевна; Alekseeva Anastasiia
июн-2023Influence of antimicrobial substances of plant origin on the sensitivity of bacterial biofilm to antimicrobial drugsRybalchenko, Oksana V.; Orlova, Olga G.; Netesa, Maria A.; Kapustina, Valentina V.