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Результаты 8 по 16 из 16 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Information technology in human resource management practicesПодкорытова Анна Андреевна; Podkorytova Anna
дек-2020Legal nature of online courses and issues of their use in educational activities of universitiesKhurshudian, Aleksandr L.; Soloviev, Aleksandr A.
сен-2019Material of mass media in the Russian National Corpus: teaching potentialLevina, Irina N.
2018Methods for labor costs assessment of development and creation of an e-learning courseВоронина Анна Васильевна; Voronina Anna
мар-2020Prospects of the Development of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Digital AgeRedkin, Oleg I.; Bernikova, Olga A.
2016Recommender system for educational contentВолжина Елена Григорьевна; Volzhina Elena
2021Smart Learning Approach in Higher Education: the Case of St. PetersburgЦветкова Татьяна Дмитриевна; Cvetkova Tatana Dmitrievna
2018Social and Communicative Mechanisms of Inclusion in Modern Digital Education in RussiaСемина Анна Вадимовна; Semina Anna
2011Towards adoption of e-learning technologies at Lappeenranta University of Technology: The factors influencing teachers’ understanding of the Blackboard learning systemKatunzi, Derrick M.; Катунци, Д. М.