Browsing by Author Simancuk Dmitrij Viktorovic

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Computer appliance for copying control of robotic systemsМоисеев Олег Сергеевич; Moiseev Oleg Sergeevic
2021Controlling manipulator motion in tool coordinate spaceВодолага Вероника Вадимовна; Vodolaga Veronika Vadimovna
2022Design of a motion control system for a group of robotsИвкин Кирилл Андреевич; Ivkin Kirill Andreevic
2020Development of a hardware-software complex for robot system controlПоваляев Никита Денисович; Povalaev Nikita Denisovic
2023Development of an algorithm for calibrating measuring equipment on the flange of a robotic armНиколаева Ирина Николаевна; Nikolaeva Irina Nikolaevna
2022Dynamic positioning of autonomous underwater vehiclesЛитвишко Ирина Романовна; Litvisko Irina Romanovna
2020Dynamic walking of a biped walking robotТашкинов Владимир Андреевич; Taskinov Vladimir Andreevic
2022Dynamic walking of an android robotТашкинов Владимир Андреевич; Taskinov Vladimir Andreevic
2020Methods of map terrain generation in game development using Unreal Engine 4Гимранова Рената Маратовна; Gimranova Renata Maratovna
2020Motion control of a robot manipulator toolПоляков Юрий Андреевич; Polakov Urij Andreevic
2020Motion of an omni-wheeled mobile robot along a calculated trajectoryИвкин Кирилл Андреевич; Ivkin Kirill Andreevic
2022Multicopter motion control in emergency conditionЛитвинов Никита Константинович; Litvinov Nikita Konstantinovic
2021Neural network methods of medical images enhancement to tumor detection and segmentationКванчиани Карина Шавкановна; Kvanciani Karina Savkanovna
2021Quasi-optimal polynomial trajectories in control problems of moving objectsЗлобин Данил Юрьевич; Zlobin Danil Urevic
2023Reconstruction of a 3D model from a single imageДанилов Глеб Сергеевич; Danilov Gleb Sergeevic
2020Spacecraft motion in L2 of the Sun-Earth systemКудин Павел Сергеевич; Kudin Pavel Sergeevic
2020Spatial motion simulation of a hexapod robotЛитвинов Никита Константинович; Litvinov Nikita Konstantinovic
reviewSV_otzyv.jpeg.jpg2019Study of a solar sail rotation in L1 point of the Sun–Earth systemЕгорова Виктория Александровна; Egorova Viktoria Aleksandrovna