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Результаты 1 по 20 из 30  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Academic mobility of students from China: evidence from Russia and GermanyМакина Ирина Витальевна; Makina Irina Vitalevna
2024Adaptation of International Students from Asian Countries at St.Petersburg State UniversityГолошейкина Анастасия Андреевна; Golosejkina Anastasia Andreevna
2021Career prospects of remote employeesВасильева Дарья Игоревна; Vasileva Dara Igorevna
2021Career-building strategies for Russian and Chinese youth in the context of digitalisation of society: a sociological analysisАйсина Каримя Радиковна; Ajsina Karima Radikovna
2021Changing work conditions in the academic sphere under a pandemic: a case study of the University of Bielefeld, GermanyДерюгина Арина Дмитриевна; Derugina Arina Dmitrievna
2021Communication technologies for managing remote employeesАкопян Анна Вартановна; Akopan Anna Vartanovna
2023Corporate culture of the company in the labor values structureБелая Анна Сергеевна; Belaa Anna Sergeevna
2021Digital culture of remote employeesСмолкина Полина Александровна; Smolkina Polina Aleksandrovna
2023Digitalisation of education in China: opportunities and barriersЛю Цзясюй; Lu Czasuj
2023Dynamics of social and cultural ties of the social movement “For a New Socialism”: a mixed method in network analysisКовалёв Даниил Игоревич; Kovalev Daniil Igorevic
2023The impact of ground public transport on well-being and quality of life: the case of Saint Petersburg and Tel AvivДанилова Ксения Михайловна; Danilova Ksenia Mihajlovna
2020The impact of the Сhinese internet trading platform on the development of e-commerce in Russia: a sociological analysisШэнь Фэйфэй; Sen Fejfej
2024Implementation of HR Tech in Russian OrganizationsНиколаева Татьяна Александровна; Nikolaeva Tatana Aleksandrovna
2020Improving the corporate university modelТасоева Диана Альбертовна; Tasoeva Diana Albertovna
2021Instagram clothing stores' interaction with users of Instagram social networks: their communication characteristicsХлопьева Анна Александровна; Hlopeva Anna Aleksandrovna
2020Institutionalisation of cross-sector social partnerships in the sphere of ecologyБазарнова Анастасия Александровна; Bazarnova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2022Labor values of millennials in a metropolis: the case of St.PetersburgАнисимова Анастасия Игоревна; Anisimova Anastasia Igorevna
2024Leadership Style of the Manager as a Factor of Project Performance under the Mediative Role of the Organisational ClimateРодионов Григорий Витальевич; Rodionov Grigorij Vitalevic
2024Managing Employee Loyalty Through HR BrandingКорнев Иван Алексеевич; Kornev Ivan Alekseevic
2020New practices in the consumption of public transport servicesКушниренко Дарья Олеговна; Kusnirenko Dara Olegovna