Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Nikiforova Anna Valentinovna

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Результаты 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Associative and verbal field "Woman" in modern Russian and Korean linguistic cultureПрисяжнюк Екатерина Андреевна; Prisaznuk Ekaterina Andreevna
2022The associative-verbal field "Distance learning" in the modern Russian language consciousness (compared with the Arabic language consciousness)Рабхи Умайма; Rabhi Umajma
2023Concept "independence" in Russian and German linguistic culturesПрисяжнюк Екатерина Андреевна; Prisaznuk Ekaterina Andreevna
2021Concept of "Blogging" in the Russian language consciousnessЖданова Дарья Михайловна; Zdanova Dara Mihajlovna
2021‘Happiness’ as a value constant of Russian and Chinese linguistic consciousnessЖун Цзи; Zun Czi
2023Image of "father" in the language consciousness of the Russian and Chinese youth: A case study of free association experiment resultsГуань Шуян; Guan Suan
2022Lexical and thematic group "Victory Day": Functional semantic and linguoculturological aspectsРю Ыно; Ru Yno
2021Lexical thematic group "St. Petersburg": A case study of local newspapersКвон Согван; Kvon Sogvan
2022Lexical-thematic group "Gold": Functional-semantic aspect and linguocultural aspectРыбакова Татьяна Александровна; Rybakova Tatana Aleksandrovna
2021Non-equivalent and background vocabulary in the story by A. Chekhov "Man in a Case"Чэнь Шуай; Cen Suaj
2022Nouns with the meaming "мечта" (dream) in the modern Russian: Functional-semantic aspectКузиев Баходир Умарбек угли; Kuziev Bahodir Umarbek ugli
2022Phraseological locutions with the ornithonym component "домашняя птица" (poultry) in Russian linguoculture (in comparison with Chinese)Ли Гуаньоу; Li Guanou
2022Representation of the image of a woman in Russian and Turkish linguistic cultures: A case study of paroemiasДагашан Тугче; Dagasan Tugce
2021Russian phraseological units with the "водоёмы" (reservoirs) component: Functional-semantic and linguocultural aspects (in comparison with the Chinese language)Ли Пинпин; Li Pinpin