Browsing by Author Molcanov Nikolaj Nikolaevic

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of the economic results of a company's digital transformationМалахов Дмитрий Романович; Malahov Dmitrij Romanovic
reviewSV_img071.jpg.jpg2020Brand as an element of innovation marketing mixКоломоец Анастасия Александровна; Kolomoec Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2023Branding in innovation-oriented companiesЛавриненко Валерия Вадимовна; Lavrinenko Valeria Vadimovna
2020Development of digital business transformation strategy based on the analysis of the components of its internal environmentБарабаш Андрей Андреевич; Barabas Andrej Andreevic
2020Development of digital technology implementation strategy for circular economy business models realizationЛунева Маргарита Сергеевна; Luneva Margarita Sergeevna
2023Implementing the concept of value co-creation in higher education through digital technologiesКолесникова Татьяна Денисовна; Kolesnikova Tatana Denisovna
reviewSV_img231.jpg.jpg2019Innovative production marketingСмирнов Илья Николаевич; Smirnov Ila Nikolaevic
2020Valuation of the HR-brand of a Russian companyУшанова Анна Сергеевна; Usanova Anna Sergeevna