Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Gorovoj Vladimir Andreevic

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Результаты 1 по 17 из 17
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Analysis of Modern Financial Technologies for Funding Aquabreather Start-upГодионенко Егор Максимович; Godionenko Egor Maksimovic
2023Analysis of Social Media Data to Optimize the Marketing Strategy of GSOM Higher Education ProgramsДорошкова Дарья Александровна; Doroskova Dara Aleksandrovna
2023Analysis of Social Media Data to Optimize the Marketing Strategy of GSOM Higher Education ProgramsЛисицына Анна Дмитриевна; Lisicyna Anna Dmitrievna
2023Analysis of Social Media Data to Optimize the Marketing Strategy of GSOM Higher Education ProgramsРылеева Мария Олеговна; Ryleeva Maria Olegovna
2022The Analysis of Strategies for the Development of Super-Apps in the World MarketsАкберов Азиз Игбал оглы; Akberov Aziz Igbal ogly
2022The Analysis of the Suburban Real Estate Market in the Leningrad Region (Based on Cyan Data) Using Machine Learning MethodsИгнатенок Павел Дмитриевич; Ignatenok Pavel Dmitrievic
2022Designing a Strategy for the Development of Transactional Products Based on ClassifiedsБорейко Кристина Андреевна; Borejko Kristina Andreevna
2023Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy for Company "Abrau Cosmetics"Шошина Елизавета Владимировна; Sosina Elizaveta Vladimirovna
2021Development of a methodology for application of machine learning services to automate managerial decision makingМамонтова Анастасия Юрьевна; Mamontova Anastasia Urevna
2022Development of Internet Marketing Strategy for «Rekruto» CompanyГаллямова Анжелика Айратовна; Gallamova Anzelika Ajratovna
2020Development strategy of short term rental category in "Avito Nedvizhimost"Лукьянов Александр Дмитриевич; Lukanov Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2020The entrance of Skyeng into the market of additional school online educationМаграчева Мария Григорьевна; Magraceva Maria Grigorevna
2021Factors of students involvement in educational process during online classesФиалковский Данил Романович; Fialkovskij Danil Romanovic
2021MiBA product strategy developmentАнтушева Мария Сергеевна; Antuseva Maria Sergeevna
2021Project Management on the Internet: redesign of the theater corporate siteАбушинова Александра Саналовна; Abusinova Aleksandra Sanalovna
2021Strategic differences of horizontal classifieds on multiple regional marketsСтанякин Кирилл Дмитриевич; Stanakin Kirill Dmitrievic
2022Using Digital-Marketing Tools to Promote Services for Laguna Resort CompanyНикифорова Екатерина Александровна; Nikiforova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna