Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Derugin Pavel Petrovic

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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Employer’s HR-brand as a technology of personnel management in modern organisationsВарданян Анастасия Артемовна; Vardanan Anastasia Artemovna
2023Employment of students in contemporary Russian conditions: particularities in technical and humanities fields of studyЧернев Иван Юрьевич; Cernev Ivan Urevic
2020Features of organisational culture of non-government corporations in Europe, Russia and East Asia: a comparative analysis of employee valuesМонтойя Гарсиа Карлос Андрес; Montoja Garsia Karlos Andres
2023Features of the social and role structure of an esports team: a sociological analysisШехватов Савва Сергеевич; Sehvatov Savva Sergeevic
2021History and modernity of teaching sociology in ChinaЦзян Лань; Czan Lan
2023Labor socialisation of young specialists of socio-humanitarian profileЖаркова Татьяна Владимировна; Zarkova Tatana Vladimirovna
2023Labour force in a distance working environment: characteristics of the labour process and the role of social media (case study of the Umskul online school)Петрова Елизавета Михайловна; Petrova Elizaveta Mihajlovna
2020The mechanisms of communication between residents of Saint Petersburg and local authoritiesДанилова Маргарита Вячеславовна; Danilova Margarita Vaceslavovna
2021Modern transformations of classical models of social entrepreneurship: a study of social enterprises in St PetersburgФролова Арина Сергеевна; Frolova Arina Sergeevna
2020The significance and principal areas of socially oriented activity of nonprofit organisations in St. Petersburg: the case of the Public Institution «St. Petersburg's House of Nationalities»Кузяшов Александр Игоревич; Kuzasov Aleksandr Igorevic
2021Social investment as a strategy for the development of corporate citizenship in Russia: a case study of St Petersburg and SevastopolСкворцова Екатерина Максимовна; Skvorcova Ekaterina Maksimovna
2022Sociodynamics of the values of young Chinese entrepreneurs in a high-tech metropolis: a case study of ShenzhenЧжэн Вэньсинь; Czen Vensin
2023Sociological analysis of consumer behavior of Chinese gamersЦзоу Яньчжоу; Czou Anczou
2023Sociological analysis of the financial behavior of retail investors in RussiaКозлова Мария Кирилловна; Kozlova Maria Kirillovna
2021Students' market values in digitalizing societyСалфетник Кирилл Александрович; Salfetnik Kirill Aleksandrovic
2020Value orientations of students in the information society: a comparative network analysis of students - sociologists, journalists and programmersМартыненко Лидия Витальевна; Martynenko Lidia Vitalevna
2019The value-goal approach within organisational diagnosis of IT companiesТараненко Анна Сергеевна; Taranenko Anna Sergeevna
2023Values of Russian and Chinese IT specialists: network analysisЮй Ян; Uj An
2023The values of the digital society as viewed by students of different training profiles (a case study of students-programmers and students-journalists)Сапегина Алина Михайловна; Sapegina Alina Mihajlovna