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Результаты 1 по 20 из 28  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Analysis of Distress Risk Premium Anomaly: the Case of U.S. Internet and Software FirmsГабайдулин Виталий Владимирович; Gabajdulin Vitalij Vladimirovic
2022The Analysis of Russian Companies IPOs: 2005-2021Беляев Дмитрий Андреевич; Belaev Dmitrij Andreevic
2021The Assessment of R&D Expenditures via Real OptionsЧерепанова Мария Леонидовна; Cerepanova Maria Leonidovna
2021Bonds with embedded option on Russian marketТрофимова Наталья Дмитриевна; Trofimova Natala Dmitrievna
2023Changing the Business Model of a Company Under UncertaintyПрохорчук Вероника Александровна; Prohorcuk Veronika Aleksandrovna
2022The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Capital Structure of Russian Oil and Gas CompaniesВоробьев Глеб Павлович; Vorobev Gleb Pavlovic
2020Equilibrium Relationship Between Index DerivativesИсламов Руслан Илгарович; Islamov Ruslan Ilgarovic
2023Equity Crowdfunding: Motives and Correlation Between Success and Companies' CharacteristicsБрусенцев Михаил Дмитриевич; Brusencev Mihail Dmitrievic
2022Evaluation of Investment Projects in Indonesia by Russian Oil Companies: the Use of Real Options MethodologyИшмухаметов Феликс Русланович; Ismuhametov Feliks Ruslanovic
2022Evaluation of Oil Investment Projects under Uncertainty Using Simulation ModelsБарриентос Флорес Раул Александер; Barrientos Flores Raul Aleksander
2021Exotic option valuation with a simulation modellingКостромин Евгений Анатольевич; Kostromin Evgenij Anatolevic
2022Factors of the Value of Russian Gold Mining CompaniesСоболев Леонид Сергеевич; Sobolev Leonid Sergeevic
2020German Mutual Fund’s Alpha. A Trustworthy or Questionable Financial IndicatorУльрих Кевин; Ulrih Kevin
2021Impact of Capital Structure on the Value of Listed Russian CompaniesКруглова Валерия Сергеевна; Kruglova Valeria Sergeevna
2022Impact of Economic Sanctions on the Financial Performance of a Company: Huawei CaseТимаков Никита Игоревич; Timakov Nikita Igorevic
2020Methodological issues of risk management control: the role of the board of directors in large corporationsРыжакова Софья Львовна; Ryzakova Sofa Lvovna
2021Mission statements and market value of companiesГаврилова Мария Александровна; Gavrilova Maria Aleksandrovna
2022The Prospect Theory and Premium for the Specific Risks of an Investment ProjectИлюшкин Глеб Максимович; Iluskin Gleb Maksimovic
2021Real Options Analysis as a Method of IT Projects Valuation. Case of the Russian Oil CompanyСедова Мария Валериевна; Sedova Maria Valerievna
2022Real Options as a Tool for Strategy Decisions in Agricultural SectorМосягин Илья Иванович; Mosagin Ila Ivanovic