Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы кандидат экономических наук Т.А. Гаранина

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Результаты 1 по 7 из 7
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Earning management around CEO turnover: Comparison of Russia and ChileЛейва Урреа Хуан Луис; Leiva Urrea Juan Luis
2016Human capital of foreign members of board of directors and company financial performance: Russian evidenceКозлова Анастасия Александровна; Kozlova Anastasiia
2016Implementation of Simultaneous Equations Model to Forecasting Residual Income of Russian Oil CompaniesСенников Игорь Олегович; Sennikov Igor
2016The relationship between human capital assets of a board of directors and financial performance of Russian companiesКехиопуло Ольга Феофиловна; Kekhiopulo Olga
2016The relationship between social capital of Board of Directors and financial results of Russian multinational companiesОстровская Анна Ефимовна; Ostrovskaya Anna
2016Social capital of board of directors and financial performance of a company: Evidence from the Russian marketКачура Егор Александрович; Kachura Egor
2016Valuation of private equity deals in emerging countries: Application of the accounting-based modelМенг Фанью; Meng Fanyu