Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Тарандо Елена Евгеньевна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Attitudes of Chinese Students towards Health and a Healthy LifestyleСюй Цзыси; Suj Czysi
2024Birth Rates and Economic Growth in ChinaЛю Сяоцзе; Lu Saocze
2024Demographic Factor of Economic Growth in ChinaЕ Нин; E Nin
2024Employers' Opinions on the Current Competencies of College (University) Graduates in ChinaЦзо Синань; Czo Sinan
2021Employment as a social factor in the stability of economic growth in Russia and ChinaМа Сяожань; Ma Saozan
2023Financial situation of Russian and Chinese youthВан Сяоюань; Van Saouan
2017Influence of cultural-leisure factor on internal migration in Russia (on the example of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk)Кива Екатерина Сергеевна; Kiva Ekaterina
2024The Influence of Social Networks on Shaping Values of Student YouthГусева Ксения Андреевна; Guseva Ksenia Andreevna
2021Informal employment as a social phenomenon in modern Russia: a case study of freelancingМихайлова Мария Антоновна; Mihajlova Maria Antonovna
2021Interaction between universities and employers in youth labor markets in Russia and ChinaТань Мэн; Tan Men
2021Methodological bases for determining and measuring the quality of life: the case of young students in St PetersburgКозловский Николай Викторович; Kozlovskij Nikolaj Viktorovic
2022The phenomenon of ‘quality of life’ as a criterion for measuring ffectiveness of socio-economic policy in KirovЧернядьева Анна Андреевна; Cernadeva Anna Andreevna
2023Population ageing: public policy in Russia and ChinaБаранов Михаил Владиславович; Baranov Mihail Vladislavovic
2021The public employment service as a social institution of economic stabilisationПогорелая Софья Сергеевна; Pogorelaa Sofa Sergeevna
2019The relationship between higher education and the labor market: Sociological analysisЖакупова Айнур; Zakupova Ajnur
2024Relationships between Doctors and Patients in Modern ChinaСунь Вэй; Sun Vej
2020The role of social capital in home production: the case of homebrewingСавченко Павел Александрович; Savcenko Pavel Aleksandrovic
2021Rural-urban migration in Russia and ChinaЛи Цинжун; Li Cinzun
2021Satisfaction with the work of labourers in the process of developing market relations in RussiaМаренникова Екатерина Дмитриевна; Marennikova Ekaterina Dmitrievna
2023Social and economic problems of job search for young professionals in Russia and ChinaАвин Ян Андреевич; Avin An Andreevic