Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Самойлов Николай Анатольевич

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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016China's attitude toward the Ukraine crisis and the perspectives for political collaboration between Russia and the PRCЩербакова Мария Евгеньевна; Shcherbakova Mariia
2024The Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association: Status, structure, and main forms of activityПряхина Мария Александровна; Prahina Maria Aleksandrovna
2021The image of Japan in modern Chinese cinemaИльюхов Александр Алексеевич; Iluhov Aleksandr Alekseevic
2016The image of Russia in the media and academic discourse of the early 21st century ChinaКислов Александр Валерьевич; Kislov Alexander
2023The image of the overseas Chinese in American and Chinese cinema: A comparative analysisКалашник Елизавета Евгеньевна; Kalasnik Elizaveta Evgenevna
2024The implementation of the PRC's public diplomacy in the countries of Central AsiaНегребецкая Елизавета Николаевна; Negrebeckaa Elizaveta Nikolaevna
2023Innovations in the legal regulation of civil service in the PRC after 2012Безруков Данила Александрович; Bezrukov Danila Aleksandrovic
2023Interaction between central and regional authorities in the PRC: The case of the Sichuan Province and the city of Chongqing in 1990-2020sСунгуров Артур Темирланович; Sungurov Artur Temirlanovic
2018The issues of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) as reflected in Japanese school course booksСемыкина Маргарита Сергеевна; Semykina Margarita
2022National minorities of the Heilongjiang provinceВиноградова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Vinogradova Anastasia Evgenevna
2021Popular historical characters as represented in the public consciousness of modern ChinaБереснева Анастасия Викторовна; Beresneva Anastasia Viktorovna