Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Павловская Ирина Юрьевна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Assessment and evaluation scheme for professionally-oriented foreign language communicative competence of medical studentsКоваленко Вероника Яновна; Kovalenko Veronika Anovna
2018Assessment literacy for teachers of EnglishПузанова Евгения Сергеевна; Puzanova Evgeniia
2016Assessment of the formation of the oral-speech communicative competence of russian-speaking students of the italian language at A2 - B1 levelРагаццони Массимо Габриэле; Ragazzoni Massimo Gabriele
2021Common and specific in the structure of English and Chinese syllableФан Итун; Fan Itun
2018Correct pronunciation as a condition of successful oral speech perception (experimental phonetic research)Останина Ольга Владимировна; Ostanina Olga
2021Digital technologies in developing phonetic skills of adult learners at B2-C1 levels of proficiencyБелоусова Владислава Олеговна; Belousova Vladislava Olegovna
2018Effectiveness of coaching high-school children for State Final Examination with the help of programme SELT: Statistical analysisБебко Татьяна Александровна; Bebko Tatiana
2016Evaluation of children's linguistic competenceБалакина Ольга Сергеевна; Balakina Olga
2024Game-form digital tests in the English Language for high school studentsВолчкова Анна Владимировна; Volckova Anna Vladimirovna
2017The influence of the first languages (Serbian, Russian and Italian) on learning English as a foreign languageДобросавлевич Доротея; DOBROSAVLJEVIC DOROTEJA
2022International experience of teaching Chinese as a foreign language to schoolchildren in Russia, China, and KyrgyzstanМаэрцзян Еэркэнь; Maerczan Eerken
2022Multimodal English texts perception by Russian and Chinese native speakersЧэнь Шэннань; Cen Sennan
2024Musicological approach to teaching English intonation to high school students using computer technologyМакарова Татьяна Дмитриевна; Makarova Tatana Dmitrievna
2024Perception and pronunciation of English consonants by native Chinese speakersЦзян Кэмэй; Czan Kemej
2017Phonetic repetitions in English and Chinese phraseological unitsФан Вэй; Fang Wei
2024Phonosemantics of the modern English poetic textТан Чутун; Tan Cutun
2021Respiratory-phonetic analysis of the model of the syllable-pause structure of the Chinese speech chain in comparison with EnglishЛань Хао; Lan Hao
2024Rhythmic and tonal means in poetic texts in English, Chinese and RussianЦзяо Боян; Czao Boan
2023Sound iconism in English, Russian, and Chinese poetryСунь Юэци; Sun Ueci
2017The speech act "reproach" in modern English-language proseЧжао Юйчжэ; Zhao Yuzhe