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Результаты 1 по 16 из 16
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2021Derivational nests with the roots “-муж-“ (man) and “-жен-” (woman) in the modern Russian language: Functional and semantic aspectВэнь Цзин; Ven Czin
reviewSV_CHen_Vejczya_sogl.jpg.jpg2017The functioning of verbs denoting objects in verbal propositional phraseological unitsЧэнь Вэйцзя; Chen Weijia
2016The "human appearance" phraseosemantic field in the Russian linguistic worldview (against the background of the Chinese language)Ли Вэньжуй; Li Wenrui
2016Lexical means of expressing emotions in Alexander Pushkin's "The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin": The aspect of functional semanticsЧжан Яньцю; Zhang Yanqiu
2021The lexical semantic field ‘woman’ in the OBERIU poetry: A case study of Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedensky’s worksМихайлова Анна Алексеевна; Mihajlova Anna Alekseevna
2018Lexical semantic group of verbs of putting on clothes in modern Russian: Functional semantic aspectШи Ижань; SHI YIRAN
2022The lexical-thematic group ‘Appearance’ in A. Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog" (in comparison with the Chinese language) (functional-semantic aspect)Чэнь Шуюй; Cen Suuj
2017The lexico-semantic group of adjectives describing human appearance as illustrated by Anton Chekhov's works: The linguocultural aspectЛю Тун; Liu Tong
2017The lexico-semantic group of Modern Russian verbs denoting bringing a person to some emotional stateНикитина Ирина Владимировна; Nikitina Irina
2023Non-equivalent vocabulary in Russian folk fairy tale (against the background of Chinese)Чэн Сюэцзяо; Cen Sueczao
reviewSV_Recenziya_2.jpeg.jpg2018Phraseological units with gastronomic component (in contrast to Chinese): Linguo-cultural aspectЯн Сюань; Yang Xuan
2018Specific characteristics of functioning of the youth slang in fiction: A case study of the flash fiction by Irina Denezhkina and Dina RubinaПан Хэпэй; PANG HEPEI
2021Stative verbs of emotions: Functional semantic aspectВишневская Екатерина Андреевна; Visnevskaa Ekaterina Andreevna
2023Verbs of imagination and supposition: Functional and semantic aspect (against the background of the Italian language)Фосса Габриэль Карло; Fossa Gabriel Karlo
2022Verbs of motion with prefixes «при-» and «у-» in modern Russian: Functional-semantic aspects (in comparison wih the Korean language)О Санхи; O Sanhi
2022Word-formation nest with root "сто" (hundred) : Functional-semantic and linguoculturological aspect (in comparison with the Chinese language)Ли Шо; Li So