Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Журавлева Ольга Алексеевна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Abbreviations in the Chinese and American electronic mass mediaВан Мэни; Wang Mengyi
2021Author’s neologisms in J. Rowling’s novels about Harry PotterГао Юйнань; Gao Ujnan
2017Comparative linguopragmatic characteristics of English and Chinese gastronomic advertising textsЧжан Бовэнь; Zhang Bowen
2023Comparative method in teaching English grammar to Chinese studentsХань Ивэй; Han Ivej
2018Dialogical speech development with the help of role-plays in high school English classroomsЕгорова Яна Александровна; Egorova Iana
2023English and Russian idioms as a means of describing a person in mass mediaУ Юйци; U Ujci
2022English, Russian and Chinese idioms with the nomination of condiments and spicesТан Цяньцянь; Tan Cancan
2022English, Russian and Chinese idioms with the nomination of household itemsЧжан Минян; Czan Minan
2023Equivalence of English and Russian proverbs and sayings about the weatherВан Цзифэн; Van Czifen
2018Expressive language means in creating a media image of a politician (in English language media)Сунь Чжихао; Sun Zhihao
2022Homonymy and polysemy as tools of a language game in English, Russian and ChineseЦао Чэн; Cao Cen
2021Linguistic and cultural aspect of studying English phraseology by Chinese studentsЧжан Юйхэн; Czan Ujhen
2022Metaphors in creating an image of a politician in American and British mass mediaЧэнь Янь; Cen An
2021Metaphors in English journalistic discourseУ Жонань; U Zonan
2017Neologisms in English economic discourseЛи Чэньсяо; Li Chenxiao
2022The phenomenon of homonymy in English, Russian and Chinese (a study of dictionaries)Чжан Сыюй; Czan Syuj
2017The semantic field "harmony / гармония" in Modern English and RussianФань Чушу; Fan Chushu
2021Speech act of disagreement in modern English fiction and journalismАкэцзян Цзянэрсэнь; Akeczan Czanersen
2016Structural-semantic analysis of English and Chinese idioms with zoonymsЧжи Цзинюй; Zhi Jingyu
2016Structural-semantic analysis of English, Russian and Chinese idioms about healthy lifestyleЧжао Юэ; Zhao Yue