Browsing by Author Дроздова Наталья Петровна

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Business-government relationship in cluster initiatives developmentСафронов Егор Александрович; Safronov Egor
2017Customer-oriented approach to municipal services: Evidence from rural settlements of the Leningrad OblastЛеонтьева Вероника Владиславовна; Leonteva Veronika
2022The Development of Blood Donation in thе Russian Federation: the Case of Belgorod and Kursk RegionsКотлярова Мария Владимировна; Kotlarova Maria Vladimirovna
2023Development of Green Public Areas in the Russian Federation (the Case of Irkutsk City)Обухова Арина Сергеевна; Obuhova Arina Sergeevna
2020Development of participatory governance in the Russian Federation: on the example of initiative budgetingОдноворченко Елена Геннадьевна; Odnovorcenko Elena Gennadevna
2023Drivers and Barriers to Participatory Urban Planning (the Case of Sosnovy Bor)Кудашова Дарья Александровна; Kudasova Dara Aleksandrovna
2023Evaluation of Tender’s Bids in the Field of Russian Public ProcurementБайханов Владислав Камолович; Bajhanov Vladislav Kamolovic
2017Features of a client-oriented approach in the performance of executive authority: The case of Saint-Petersburg Committee of Property RelationsЛожкина Анна Сергеевна; Lozhkina Anna
2017The impact of market concentration on the regulation of retail prices for gasoline in the Russian FederationДмитриева Екатерина Сергеевна; Dmitrieva Ekaterina
2018The Impact of Mega-Events on Inbound Tourist Demand (in Case of FIFA-2018)Богомолова Ксения Александровна; Bogomolova Kseniia
2023Improving Information Policy in the Field of Fertility Promotion in the Russian Federation, Using the Example of the "My.baby_app" ProjectЛеонтьева Елизавета Германовна; Leonteva Elizaveta Germanovna
2023Management of the Development of the Municipal Transport Infrastructure: the Case of Peterhof CityГревцевс Сергейс; Grevcevs Sergejs
2023Monitoring of Regional Socio-Economic Processes: The Case of the Krasnodar RegionМарштупа Диана Александровна; Marstupa Diana Aleksandrovna
2016The motivation of Russian civil servantsЛасточкина Анна Александровна; Lastochkina Anna
2020The participation of urban residents in the formation and implementation of the concept of "smart city" (the case of Saint Petersburg)Агневщиков Ярослав Александрович; Agnevsikov Aroslav Aleksandrovic
2023Problems and Prospects of Development of Practices of Public Participation in the Budgetary Process of Municipality (the Case of St. Petersburg)Каргозерова Полина Васильевна; Kargozerova Polina Vasilevna
2022Project Approach to the Territorial Development (the Case of the Novosibirsk Program of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development)Каплина Анастасия Евгеньевна; Kaplina Anastasia Evgenevna
2016Public consultation on regulatory initiativesСеменов Андрей Сергеевич; Semenov Andrei
2017Public regulation of Russian securities market in retail investments sectorЗелепукин Дмитрий Андреевич; Zelepukin Dmitrii
2017Publiс regulation of the alcohol marketСавриков Александр Александрович; Savrikov Aleksandr