Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Голубев Денис Сергеевич

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2018ASEAN responses to the ISIS expansion in the South-East Asian region: The security sectorМармита Шармейн; Marmita Sharmaine
2020The Bush Doctrine Post-Bush: Unilateralism and Pre-Emption in U.S. Foreign Policy, 2009-2020Донован Дин Шон; Donovan Din Son
2023Challenges and Prospects for Post- Conflict Reconstruction in Syria: the International AspectsШулепова Елизавета; Sulepova Elizaveta
2017Contemporary policies of the United States, Russia, and China on the North Korean nuclear problemФедосова Виктория Игоревна; Fedosova Viktoria
2019Contemporary policy of the United States aimed at confronting Islamic extremism in the information spaceДрагунова Светлана Андреевна; Dragunova Svetlana Andreevna
2018The Image of a Soviet Woman in the American Cinema During the Cold War in the "Long Fifties"Скакун Олеся Вячеславовна; Skakun Olesia
2018The information warfare aspect of the Syrian conflict in the context of the U.S.-Russia power struggle in the Middle EastШикуля Анна Александровна; Shikulya Anna
2017The issue of strategic orientation in Turkey's contemporary foreign policyКылыч Сечкин; Kilic Seckin
2017Issues and prospects of the US diplomatic service reform in the context of the increasing role of the information factor in international relationsАнтипова Елизавета Семеновна; Antipova Elizaveta
2017Issues in the transformation of Syria's political regime under the Bashar al-Assad presidency, and the clash of the U.S. and Russia's interests in the Middle EastГромова Мария Николаевна; Gromova Maria
2021Key aspects of the current American-Iranian conflict: the regional and global geopolitical dimensionХисамова Алсу Зуфаровна; Hisamova Alsu Zufarovna
2020The Kurdish factor in American-Turkish relations from the 1980s and to dateКеримов Рафик Нофел оглы; Kerimov Rafik Nofel ogly
2021The leadership factor in the dynamics of Russian-Turkish relations since early 21st centuryСанджар Олена; Sandzar Olena
2020Lobbying in the US foreign policy: the political power of the American Jewish communityВолкова Дарья Тимуровна; Volkova Dara Timurovna
2017Political and legal mechanisms of the conflict settlement in Northern Ireland: Problems and prospectsЯушева Анжела Робертовна; Iausheva Anzhela
2020Pro-Israel bias in the US policy towards the Palestine issue since the early 21st centuryРезникова Мария Алексеевна; Reznikova Maria Alekseevna
2018The problem of controlling Iran’s nuclear programme: The Russian factorРащупкина Ангелина Анатольевна; Rashchupkina Angelina
2019The problem of Iranian expansion in the Middle East in the modern media space of the United States, Israel and the Arab countries: The ratio of myths and realityПолякова Татьяна Сергеевна; Polakova Tatana Sergeevna
2017The problem of Islamic extremism in Iraq in the context of the American middle East policy (2003–2017)Полякова Татьяна Сергеевна; Poliakova Tatiana
2022Problems of shaping US foreign policy regarding the Iranian nuclear program at the present stageСильвестрова Полина Игоревна; Silvestrova Polina Igorevna