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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Anti-crisis PR in the image policy of China, Russia and the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemicДай Жуйчэнь; Daj Zujcen
2023Car Brands as China’s Soft Power Tool in RussiaПэй Юньпэн; Pej Unpen
2023Countering COVID-19 as an element of soft power in China's foreign policyЦзян Хэянь; Czan Hean
2022Digital diplomacy of China, Russia and the USA: a comparative analysisЧжоу Ин; Czou In
2019The economic policy of a region as a factor in the formation of the international image of the territory: A case study of St.PetersburgШеметов Евгений Аркадьевич; Semetov Evgenij Arkadevic
2023Features of place branding of China on the example of Beijing and Hong KongНечаева Ксения Максимовна; Necaeva Ksenia Maksimovna
2023The impact of the North Korean nuclear issue in the media agenda on China-India relationsБагэцзоер Диэрбай; Bageczoer Dierbaj
2022The influence of China's "Digital Silk Road" on the integration processes of Greater EurasiaЛи Линьшань; Li Linsan
2019The influence of state PR on the dynamics of the country's image among the population of Russia and ChinaЖань Гэнин; Zan Genin
2019Intercultural communication in the conditions of globalisation as illustrated by Russia and ChinaЧжао Юйчжэ; Czao Ujcze
2017The legal fundamentals of the gender equality policy of the Kingdom of Sweden: Family and labour aspectsРахимзянова Рената Робертовна; Rakhimzyanova Renata
2017Political and legal mechanisms of regulating economic security in the Kingdom of NorwayХусаинова Софья Салаватовна; Khusainova Sofia
2022The role of a political leader image in the international processes of Greater EurasiaСагдуллаев Нодирбек Абдулла угли; Sagdullaev Nodirbek Abdulla ugli
2022The role of China's digital diplomacy in the development of international cooperation in the "One Belt - One Road" projectЛю Цзюань; Lu Czuan
2022The role of China’s image in the development of cooperation with BRICS countriesМустафина Ильвира Фаритовна; Mustafina Ilvira Faritovna
2021The role of digital diplomacy in shaping Russia’s image among foreign publicsКокорина Любовь Игоревна; Kokorina Lubov Igorevna
2023The role of Egypt's public diplomacy in foreign policy in the Middle EastСиницын Станислав Андреевич; Sinicyn Stanislav Andreevic
2023The Role of Gender Equality Policy in the Promotion of Uzbekistan’s Image in the international arenaАбдуллаев Шохжахон Улугбек угли; Abdullaev Sohzahon Ulugbek ugli
2021The role of global environmental priorities in shaping Russia's image policyПавшина Елизавета Михайловна; Pavsina Elizaveta Mihajlovna
2023The role of the Monarchy Institution in the Image Policy of Great BritainБуянов Алексей Михайлович; Buanov Aleksej Mihajlovic