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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The concept of fate in Russian paremiology (against the background of the Chinese language)Ци Цике; Qi Qike
2018Culture-specific terms as verbal means of expressing national cultural unique features: A case study of S.V. Mikhalkov’s children’s versesОрлова Александра Владимировна; Orlova Aleksandra
2024The Dystopian City In Literature And Cinema Of The 1920sХижун Анастасия Антоновна; Hizun Anastasia Antonovna
2018Evaluative vocabulary in Russian tourist's reviews about ChinaЛи Сыюй; Li Siyu
2023Feminist ideas in Ivan Yefremov’s novels "Andromeda: A Space-Age Tale" and "The Hour of the Bull"Тюнина Ксения Витальевна; Tunina Ksenia Vitalevna
2021The Films of Noah Baumbach: Metamodern IronyПодольская Екатерина Александровна; Podolskaa Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2021“Humiliated and Insulted”: The problem of spaceЛи Яфан; Li Afan
2022Influence of music on the storyline in classical Russian literature: A case study of Aleksandr Kuprin’s worksАгибалова Полина Олеговна; Agibalova Polina Olegovna
2018Interjection in predicative function: Syntactic, communicative and pragmatic aspectГрибков Федор Игоревич; Gribkov Fedor
2022Nature of the fantastics in the movietext (a case study of the film adaptations of the novels "The Shining" by S. King and "The Hotel " By the dead climber" by the Strugatsky brothers)Петров Олег Игоревич; Petrov Oleg Igorevic
2021Opposition of the real and the imaginary in Vasily Sigarev's Films: A linguistic aspectИванова Полина Андреевна; Ivanova Polina Andreevna
2024The Poetics of "Automatic Poems" by Boris PoplavskyКуликова София Олеговна; Kulikova Sofia Olegovna
2021The relationships between Leskov's righteous man and society (a case tudy of the stories "Musk ox", "Peacock", "Non-lethal Golovan", "Scarecrow")Смирнова Елена Алексеевна; Smirnova Elena Alekseevna
2022Russian film adaptations of Leo Tolstoy’s novel "Anna Karenina": Transformation of charactersАртеева Анна Владимировна; Arteeva Anna Vladimirovna
2017Russian proverbs with the component "судьба" ("fate"): The linguocultural and semantico-stylistic aspectsШи Хуаньцзя; Shi Huanjia
2016The semantic field of human emotional state in fiction as illustrated by Anton Chekhov's short storiesЧжао Дань; Zhao Dan
2018Slang vocabulary in youth series: Functional and linguo-cultural aspectЛи Чуньянь; Li Chunyan
2021Sounding female speech on the screen (a case study of the films by Iu.Raizman and E.Gabrilovich)Юлдашева Тамара-Бону Дильмуратовна; Uldaseva TamaraBonu Dilmuratovna
2016Syntactic arrangement of an event within the Russian spoken narrativeМасленникова Зоя Сергеевна; Maslennikova Zoia
2021Verbal and non-verbal means for the expression in the motif structure: A case study of Kantemir Balagov's film "Beanpole"Волкова Валерия Сергеевна; Volkova Valeria Sergeevna