Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Чудаев Михаил Егорович

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2024Modern Hospitality Industry in St.Petersburg: Economic and Sociological AnalysisКорнюшко Екатерина Александровна; Kornusko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2019Modern migration policy in Russia and ChinaЛазарева Анастасия Александровна; Lazareva Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2017Modern practices of corporate social responsibility of transnational companies in RussiaИванова Дарья Никитична; Ivanova Daria
2023Opportunities for the development of social ties between the northeastern provinces of the PRC and the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian FederationЧжан Чжунвэй; Czan Czunvej
2023Organisational culture in Russian and Chinese companiesСунь Жуй Линь; Sun Zuj Lin
2024Peculiarities of Labor Organisation in Network Companies of the People's Republic of China: Economic and Sociological AnalysisЛи Янь; Li An
2018Possibilities for labor resources adaptation in the context of global economic transformationsЕгоров Роман Константинович; Egorov Roman
2018The problem of institutionalization of sports refereeing in Russia: A case study of footballГоворов Андрей Евгеньевич; Govorov Andrey
2024The Role of Digital Capitalism in the Implementation of Social Control and ManagementТрунова Екатерина Дмитриевна; Trunova Ekaterina Dmitrievna
2022The role of youth in the socio-economic development of Russia and ChinaЛун Ифэй; Lun Ifej
2023Social and economic factors in trade cooperation between North-Eastern China and the Russian Far EastЛи Сяньчжэ; Li Sancze
2023Social and pedagogical technologies for development of critical thinking in contemporary school: sociological analysisЦимбалюк Ольга Сергеевна; Cimbaluk Olga Sergeevna
2021Social marketing as a factor in public health organization and development: an economic and sociological analysisЛебедева Анастасия Юрьевна; Lebedeva Anastasia Urevna
2017Socio-economic analysis of the eco-friendly product market: The case of St. PetersburgИльясова Мария Вагизовна; Iliasova Mariia
2023A sociological analysis of the impact of the "Bologna Process" on the development of education in EuropeЛю Цзиян; Lu Czian
2022Sociological analysis of the tourism potential of St.PetersburgЛю Цзячэн; Lu Czacen
2021Specific characteristics of social relations in music performers’ groups: values, norms, rolesПрудяк Валентин Владимирович; Prudak Valentin Vladimirovic
2023Specifics of tourism industry development in Russia and China: a sociological analysis on the case of St.Petersburg and ShanghaiЧэнь Чжо; Cen Czo
2022Spousal violence against women: a comparative analysis of the situation in China and RussiaВэй Линде; Vej Linde
2017Transformation of the Russian consumer society: The case of the St. Petersburg concert and event industryКузнецов Максим Александрович; Kuznetcov Maksim