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Результаты 10 по 16 из 16 < назад 
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2024Scientific Socialisation of Pitirim SorokinГавриченко Илья Федорович; Gavricenko Ila Fedorovic
2022Social problems of agrarian privatisation in Russia and China: a comparative analysisЦзяо Шицзи; Czao Siczi
2023Socialist politics and market economy: a comparative analysis of the historical experience of the USSR and the PRCДу Исюань; Du Isuan
2021Sports guest workers of the 21st century: an economic and sociological analysis of the globalization of Chinese and Russian football leaguesШао Цзыхань; Sao Czyhan
2017Value orientations in professional sportГонашвили Александр Сергеевич; Gonashvili Aleksandr
2022Welfare growth and income distribution in the People’s Republic of China: social analysisЛо Цзиньлин; Lo Czinlin
2020Work experience as a factor in university graduates’ choice of employmentЛи Минфэн; Li Minfen