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Результаты 1-10 из 13.
Найденные ресурсы:
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дек-2016Model of Narrative Analysis of Personal Identity StyleZaitseva, Yu. E.
дек-2016Moral Disengagement: the Psychological Construct and its MeasurementLedovaya, Ya. A.; Tikhonov, R. V.; Bogolyubova, O. N.; Kazennaya, E. V.; Sorokina, Yu. L.
дек-2016Functional Structure of Self-identification of Partially Sighted AdolescentsDyakov, D. G.; Radchikova, N. P.
дек-2016Structural-functional Model of Terminological Competence of the ProfessionalsBordovskaia, N. V.; Koshkina, E. A.
дек-2016Contrast Illusion: Old Facts in a New LightAgafonov, A. Yu.; Burmistrov, S. N.; Shilov, Yu. E.
дек-2016Implicit Learning in Dyadic InteractionTikhonov, R. V.; Moroshkina, N. V.
дек-2016Psychosemantic Approach to Assessing Difficult Life Situations (on the pattern of the situation related to the disease that threatens the child’s life)Aleksandrova, O. V.; Dermanova, I. B.
дек-2016Stylistic Characteristics of Self-Determination in Life Changes SituationsKolantaevskaya, A. S.; Grishina, N. V.; Bazarov , T. Yu.
дек-2016The Sovereignty of Psychological Space among Teens Living in Native and Non-native CulturesTelegina, S. Ya.
дек-2016Characteristics of Interaction Between Institutionalized Children with Respect to AgePersianova, N. B.; Muhamedrahimov, R. J.