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dc.contributor.advisorБыков Алексей Юрьевичru_RU
dc.contributor.authorВан Дунфанru_RU
dc.contributor.authorWang Dongfangen_GB
dc.contributor.editorкандидат политических наук, доцент А.Ю.Быковru_RU
dc.contributor.editorCandidate of Political Science, Associate Professor A.Yu.Bykoven_GB
dc.description.abstractАннотация магистерской диссертации Ван Дунфан «ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА КИТАЯ В XXI ВЕКЕ» “POLITICAL JOURNALISM OF CHINA IN THE TWENTY- FIRST CENTURY” Н.рук. Быков Алексей Юрьевич, канд. полит. наук, доцент Направление подготовки – Журналистика Профиль – международная журналистика Ключевые слова: политическая журналистика, Китай, СМИ, китайские газеты, издания Гонконга, политическая проблематика. Key words: political journalism, China, mass media, Chinese newspapers, Hong Kong publications, political issues. Актуальность исследования. С декабря 1978 года в КНР начались политические преобразования под руководством Дэн Сяопина: в этом году состоялся 3-й пленум XI съезда ЦК КПК, на котором был выдвинут ряд политических установок. Эти решения обеспечили политическую поддержку китайской журналистике. Центральная власть указала на значимую роль журналистики в обществе, способствовала созданию и развитию телерадиовещания на разных уровнях. Начавшиеся в конце 70-х годов прошлого столетия процессы в сфере масс-медиа вышли на новый уровень после вступления страны в XXI век. Это связано с совершенствованием технических возможностей производства и передачи информационного продукта, с началом использования новых носителей информации. Трансформация политической ситуации в стране привлекает внимание не только специалистов в данной сфере, но и более широкую аудиторию СМИ, интересующуюся событиями в общественной сфере. Появляются новые научные публикации политической тематики, посвященные китайским реалиям и их отражению в средствах массовой информации. Изучение этих аспектов позволит ввести в научный оборот последние исследования в области китайской политики и масс-медиа, внесет ясность в ряд обозначенных аспектов, которые являются недостаточно изученными как российскими, так и китайскими исследователями. Еще одним важным направлением работы является сопоставление политической жизни и освещения политической тематики в СМИ континентального (материкового) Китая и Гонконга. После перехода Гонконга под юрисдикцию Китая рынок гонконгских средств массовой информации претерпел важные реформы. Был национализирован ряд частных медиа-корпораций, китайское правительство начало финансировать некоторые СМИ региона. Изменились также подходы изданий к освещению гонконгских политических событий. Данные тенденции являются актуальными для общественной жизни Китая, они также недостаточно изучены, требуют осмысления, этому уделяется внимание в магистерской диссертации. Научная новизна магистерской работы состоит в выявлении особенностей освещения политических событий центральными изданиями («Жэньминь Жибао» («Народная ежедневная газета)) и региональной прессой («Нанцзин Жибао» («Нанкинский ежедневник»), «Янчэн Ванбао» («Вечерний Гуанджоу»)) континентального Китая, а также гонконгскими газетами («Дунфан Жибао» («Восточный ежедневник»), «Да Гунбао» («Справедливость»)). Уделяется внимание политической позиции изданий, дизайну полос, содержательному своеобразию публикаций, посвященных, в частности, деятельности Всекитайского собрания народных представителей (ВСНП). Предпринимается попытка выделить общие характеристики политических СМИ континентального Китая и Гонконга, а также различия между ними. Цель работы заключается в изучении современной китайской политической журналистики XXI века с учетом особенностей развития центральных и региональных СМИ и подходов к освещению актуальных общественно значимых событий. Для достижения поставленной цели необходимо решить следующие задачи: раскрыть понятие «политическая журналистика», познакомиться с подходами к объяснению данного феномена исследователей из России, Китая и других стран; рассмотреть характеристики политических СМИ континентального Китая и Гонконга; проанализировать материалы политической тематики центральных и региональных СМИ континентального Китая и гонконгских изданий. Объект исследования – политическая журналистика Китая. Предмет – освещение политических событий в изданиях континентального Китая и Гонконга. Теоретическую базу составили труды исследователей о политике (В. Н. Лавриненко, В. Ф. Халипова), о теории политической журналистики (Е. П. Прохорова, С. Г. Корконосенко, З. Ф. Хубецовой), об особенностях политической журналистики в Китае (Цзоу Таофэня, Фань Чжанцзяна, Му Цина, Шао Хуацзэ, Фэн Цзяня, Ли Фэна, Ли Сигуана), о жанрах, художественных стилях, языковых особенностях журналистских материалов. The purpose of work is studying the modern Chinese political journalism of the XXI century, taking into account the peculiarities of development of central and regional media and the approaches to the coverage of current public events. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:     disclose the concept of "political journalism", to get acquainted with the approaches to the explanation of this phenomenon of researchers from Russia, China and other countries;     consider the characteristics of the political media in mainland China and Hong Kong;     analyze materials political themes central and regional media in mainland China and Hong Kong editions. The object of study - political journalism in China. The subject - political coverage in publications in mainland China and Hong Kong. The theoretical framework was based on research on policy (V.N. Lavrinenko, V.F. Halipova), the political theory of journalism (E.P. Prokhorov, S.K. Korkonosenko, Z.F. Hubetsovoy), about chraracters of journalism in China (Zou Taofenya, Fan Zhangjiang, Mu Qing, Shao Huatsze, Jiang Feng, Li Feng, Li Xiguang), about genres and artistic styles, linguistic features of journalistic materials. Research methods. The study is based on the the general scientific research approaches,using methods of historical analysis, comparative analysis (comparison of content are focuses on the characteristics of publications, a number of quantitative indicators). The empirical base this work consists of materials "People's Daily" newspaper ("People's Daily Newspaper"), "Nanjing Daily" ( "Nanjing daily"), "Yangcheng Vanbao" ( "Evening Guangzhou"), "Dongfang Ribao" ( "Oriental daily" ) "Da Gongbao" ( "The truth"), published from March 2014 gj the second year March 2015 The structure of the work answered the setted purpose and objectives. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions, bibliography and appendices. The Conclusion apart contains conclusions, which summarizes the results of the study. In the introduction included urgency indicated by the work, its scientific novelty, defined goals, objectives, object and subject of research methods, theoretical and empirical basis.The theoretical part describes who are services focused on, concept political journalism. The diploma work is divided into 3 parts/ The first chapter(the theroey apart) - "The concept of political journalism" - includes two sections. In the first section we describe the theory of political journalism, is presented in the second position of the Chinese researchers on the concept of political journalism. The second chapter - "Political Chinese media: general characteristics" - consists of two sections. The first section is devoted to the analysis of the history and characteristics of national and regional media in mainland China, their political orientation. In the second section focuses on the Hong Kong political media. The third chapter - "Analysis of political subjects in the Chinese media" - contains three paragraphs. The chapter analyzes the publication in the CPC Central Committee, "Renmin Ribao" ( "People's Daily Newspaper"), regional newspapers "Nanjing Daily" ( "Nanjing diary") in mainland China and "Yangcheng Vanbao" ( "Evening Guangzhou," the Hong Kong edition of the "Yes kung pao chicken "(" Justice ") and" Dongfang Ribao "(" Oriental daily ").ru_RU
dc.description.abstractАннотация магистерской диссертации Ван Дунфан «ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА КИТАЯ В XXI ВЕКЕ» “POLITICAL JOURNALISM OF CHINA IN THE TWENTY- FIRST CENTURY” Н.рук. Быков Алексей Юрьевич, канд. полит. наук, доцент Направление подготовки – Журналистика Профиль – международная журналистика Key words: political journalism, China, mass media, Chinese newspapers, Hong Kong publications, political issues. Relevance of the research. Since December 1978 in China began political reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, this year held the 3rd Plenary Session of the XI Congress of the CPC Central Committee, which was put forward by a number of political units. These solutions have the political support of Chinese journalism. The central government pointed to an important role of journalism in society contributed to the creation and development of broadcasting on different levels. Begun in the late 70-ies of the last century, the processes in the sphere of mass media reached a new level after the country's entry into the XXI century. This is due to the improvement of the technical capabilities of production and transmission of information products, with the introduction of new media. The transformation of the political situation in the country attracts the attention of not only experts in this field, but also to a wider audience the media, the event of interest in the public sphere. There are new scientific publications political themes, dedicated to Chinese realities and their reflection in the media. The study of these aspects will allow to put into scientific circulation the latest research in the field of Chinese politics and media, will clarify some of the identified aspects that are poorly understood by both Russian and Chinese researchers. Another important area of ​​work is the comparison of the political life and coverage of political subjects in the media of continental (mainland) China and Hong Kong. After the transition of China's Hong Kong market is under the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong media has undergone major reforms. Was nationalized a number of private media corporations, the Chinese government began to fund some of the media in the region. Changed the approaches to the media coverage of Hong Kong political events. These trends are relevant to public life in China, they are also not well understood, they require reflection, that pays attention to the master's thesis. Scientific novelty of the master's work is to identify the characteristics of coverage of political events of national publications ( "People's Daily" ( "People's Daily Newspaper)) and regional press (" Nanjing Daily "(" Nanjing daily ")," Yangcheng Vanbao "(" Evening Guangzhou ») ) in mainland China and Hong Kong newspapers ( "Dongfang Ribao" ( "Oriental daily"), "Yes, kung pao chicken" ( "Justice")). Attention is paid to the political position of media, design, stripes, meaningful originality of publications devoted, in particular, the activities of National People's Congress (NPC). Attempts to identify the general characteristics of the political media in mainland China and Hong Kong, as well as the differences between them The purpose of work is studying the modern Chinese political journalism of the XXI century, taking into account the peculiarities of development of central and regional media and the approaches to the coverage of current public events. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:     disclose the concept of "political journalism", to get acquainted with the approaches to the explanation of this phenomenon of researchers from Russia, China and other countries;     consider the characteristics of the political media in mainland China and Hong Kong;     analyze materials political themes central and regional media in mainland China and Hong Kong editions. The object of study - political journalism in China. The subject - political coverage in publications in mainland China and Hong Kong. The theoretical framework was based on research on policy (V.N. Lavrinenko, V.F. Halipova), the political theory of journalism (E.P. Prokhorov, S.K. Korkonosenko, Z.F. Hubetsovoy), about chraracters of journalism in China (Zou Taofenya, Fan Zhangjiang, Mu Qing, Shao Huatsze, Jiang Feng, Li Feng, Li Xiguang), about genres and artistic styles, linguistic features of journalistic materials. Research methods. The study is based on the the general scientific research approaches,using methods of historical analysis, comparative analysis (comparison of content are focuses on the characteristics of publications, a number of quantitative indicators). The empirical base this work consists of materials "People's Daily" newspaper ("People's Daily Newspaper"), "Nanjing Daily" ( "Nanjing daily"), "Yangcheng Vanbao" ( "Evening Guangzhou"), "Dongfang Ribao" ( "Oriental daily" ) "Da Gongbao" ( "The truth"), published from March 2014 gj the second year March 2015 The structure of the work answered the setted purpose and objectives. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions, bibliography and appendices. The Conclusion apart contains conclusions, which summarizes the results of the study. In the introduction included urgency indicated by the work, its scientific novelty, defined goals, objectives, object and subject of research methods, theoretical and empirical basis.The theoretical part describes who are services focused on, concept political journalism. The diploma work is divided into 3 parts/ The first chapter(the theroey apart) - "The concept of political journalism" - includes two sections. In the first section we describe the theory of political journalism, is presented in the second position of the Chinese researchers on the concept of political journalism. The second chapter - "Political Chinese media: general characteristics" - consists of two sections. The first section is devoted to the analysis of the history and characteristics of national and regional media in mainland China, their political orientation. In the second section focuses on the Hong Kong political media. The third chapter - "Analysis of political subjects in the Chinese media" - contains three paragraphs. The chapter analyzes the publication in the CPC Central Committee, "Renmin Ribao" ( "People's Daily Newspaper"), regional newspapers "Nanjing Daily" ( "Nanjing diary") in mainland China and "Yangcheng Vanbao" ( "Evening Guangzhou," the Hong Kong edition of the "Yes kung pao chicken "(" Justice ") and" Dongfang Ribao "(" Oriental daily ").en_GB
dc.subjectполитическая журналистикаru_RU
dc.subjectкитайские газетыru_RU
dc.subjectиздания Гонконгаru_RU
dc.subjectполитическая проблематика.ru_RU
dc.subjectpolitical journalismen_GB
dc.subjectmass mediaen_GB
dc.subjectChinese newspapersen_GB
dc.subjectHong Kong publicationsen_GB
dc.subjectpolitical issuesen_GB
dc.titlePolitical journalism of China in the 21st centuryen_GB
dc.title.alternativeПолитическая журналистика Китая в XXI векеru_RU
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