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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2024Seaxes and skalms: Single-edged weapon in the Old Icelandic textsKhlevov, Alexander; Goubanov, Ilya
Mar-2024Drawings by Cornelis Moninckx in the Hermitage collectionStatkevich, Vladislav
Mar-2024The end of Frisian freedom by its confirmation: The Frisian Imperial Privilege of Emperor Maximilian I and its background. Part I: The first chartersEngelbrecht, Wilken Willem Karel Hugo
Mar-2024Reading Karen Blixen in different cultures. “Sailor-Boy’s Tale” (“Skibsdrengens Fortælling”): What is lost and gained in self-translation?Lomagina, Anastasia
Mar-2024Image of the Russian Tsar Peter in the works by Strindberg and other Scandinavian fin de siècle writersLisovskaya, Polina
Mar-2024Hoffmann traditions in Selma Lagerlöf ’s novel “Gösta Berling’s Saga”Koroleva, Vera; Pritomskaya, Alina
Mar-2024Neo-romantic hero: Vital characters in Holger Drachmann’s short storiesKorovin, Andrey
Mar-2024Folklore сomponents of Finnish Rock PoetrySoini, Helena
Mar-2024Old Icelandic hel ‘world of the dead, the Dead-Goddess Hel’ in the Younger Edda and the comparison with the Elder EddaToporova, Tatyana
Mar-2024Structural models of somatisms in the Norwegian languagePopova, Olga
Mar-2024Janteloven in Denmark and Norway — To be or not to be?Gurova, Elena; Taratonkina, Irina; Avakova, Yulia
Mar-2024Stable word complexes of comparative semantics with a component-demonym in the Swedish and Russian languagesAlyoshin, Aleksey; Zinovieva, Elena
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12