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мар-2016Distinctive Features of the Human Marginal Zone and Cajal-Retzius Cells: Comparison of Morphological and Immunocytochemical Features at MidgestationTkachenko, Lyubov A; Zykin, Pavel A; Nasyrov, Ruslan A; Krasnoshchekova, Elena I
26-авг-2015Pronounced species divergence in corticospinal tract reorganization and functional recovery after lateralized spinal cord injury favors primatesFriedli, Lucia; Rosenzweig, Ephron S; Barraud, Quentin; Schubert, Martin; Dominici, Nadia; Awai, Lea; Nielson, Jessica L; Musienko, Pavel; Nout-Lomas, Yvette; Zhong, Hui; Zdunowski, Sharon; Roy, Roland R; Strand, Sarah C; van den Brand, Rubia; Havton, Leif A; Beattie, Michael S; Bresnahan, Jacqueline C; Bézard, Erwan; Bloch, Jocelyne; Edgerton, V Reggie; Ferguson, Adam R; Curt, Armin; Tuszynski, Mark H; Courtine, Grégoire
фев-2016Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies engaging muscle synergies improve motor control after spinal cord injuryWenger, Nikolaus; Moraud, Eduardo Martin; Gandar, Jerome; Musienko, Pavel; Capogrosso, Marco; Baud, Laetitia; Le Goff, Camille G; Barraud, Quentin; Pavlova, Natalia; Dominici, Nadia; Minev, Ivan R; Asboth, Leonie; Hirsch, Arthur; Duis, Simone; Kreider, Julie; Mortera, Andrea; Haverbeck, Oliver; Kraus, Silvio; Schmitz, Felix; DiGiovanna, Jack; van den Brand, Rubia; Bloch, Jocelyne; Detemple, Peter; Lacour, Stéphanie P; Bézard, Erwan; Micera, Silvestro; Courtine, Grégoire
2012Russian modernism in early XX centuryIvanov, Sergey P.