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Результаты 1-10 из 28.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The category of animacy in English-language fiction: Actualization means ad translatabilityТокарева Ольга Владимировна; Tokareva Olga
2018Features of expressing the plot relations in Russian proverbsСунь Шуян; Sun Shuyang
reviewSV_Rogova_otzyv_2_Vaseva_Darya_Dmitrievna.jpeg.jpg2018Narration features in modern fictionВасева Дарья Дмитриевна; Vaseva Daria
2018Lexico-grammatical and lingvocultulogical features of the expressinion of posessivnosti in Russian language (on the background of Chinese language)Чэн Цзиньтао; Cheng Jintao
2018Evaluative means of describing the social group "students": A case study of Russian prose of the late 19th centuryЯо Сюе; Yao Xue
2018Lingvocognitive means of creating the comic effect in Russian folk taleЧэнь Биньи; Chen Binyi
2018The development of dialogue skills in Russian colloquial speech of Chinese students (based on feature films)Чжу Тинтин; Zhu Tingting
2018Swedish Neo-Latin Literature: Johannes Widekindi and his sourcesВетушко-Калевич Арсений Анатольевич; Vetushko-Kalevich Arsenii
2018The medical theme in the works of Anton ChekhovСоломонова Алина Алексеевна; Solomonova Alina
2018Comparative analysis of frequency dictionaries describing the structure of man in Russian and ChineseЛинь Цзиньфэн; Lin Jinfeng