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Результаты 11-20 из 56.
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reviewSV_otzyv_recenzenta_Vershinina_1_(1).jpg.jpg2016Lexico-grammatical regularities of newspaper translation from English into RussianВершинина Мария Александровна; Vershinina Mariia
2016The Bulgarian 'да'-structure in independent usage and its Russian equivalents: Evidence from the plays of Bulgarian playwrights Stanislav Stratiev "Сако от велур" and Georgi Dzhagarov "Прокурорът" and their Russian translationsУстинова Ирина Александровна; Ustinova Irina
2016Emotional-evaluative lexis in translation of news textsМладенова София Евгеньевна; Mladenova Sofiia
2016Translation of nouns with multiple meaning in modern media into Russian as illustrated by the nouns 'vision', 'challenge', 'context'Зорина Екатерина Александровна; Zorina Ekaterina
2016The typology of translation errors as illustrated by the Spanish translations of Nikolai Gogol's worksХайлова Дарья Михайловна; Khailova Daria
2016Translation of polinegative Russian sentences into EnglishНефедович Анна Юрьевна; Nefedovich Anna
2016Mitigating the illocutionary force of assertive speech acts to save the face of conversation participants: A case study of English-Russian translationЧерняк Маргарита Валерьевна; Cherniak Margarita
2016The influence of the German language system on the native tongue of Russian-speaking immigrantsБаймурзаева Буносир Батыровна; Baimurzaeva Bunosir
2016Lexical means of characterising the heroes of Nikolai Gogol's novel “Dead Souls”Арутюнова Ирина Аркадьевна; Arutyunova Irina
reviewSV_Otzyv_VKR_Leonovoj_3.jpeg.jpg2016Polish verbal nouns and their literary translation as illustrated by "The Cyberiad", a series of short stories by Stanisław Lem, and its Slovenian and Russian translationsЛеонова Ольга Дмитриевна; Leonova Olga