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Результаты 1-10 из 153.
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2017Ways of translating the semantics of keeping ahead from French into Russian in compound sentences with clauses of consecutionТимофеева Екатерина Александровна; Timofeeva Ekaterina
2017Domestication strategy application to translating male speech in English-to-Russian translationОболдина Евгения Сергеевна; Oboldina Evgeniia
2017Lexical translational transformations as illustrated by the English translations of Mikhail Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita"Лифшиц Екатерина Вадимовна; Lifshits Ekaterina
2016An analysis of Italian-Russian translations of international contractsИващенко Екатерина Игоревна; Ivashchenko Ekaterina
2017Sentence negation from a translation perspective (in English-to-Russian translations)Торопова Анастасия Андреевна; Toropova Anastasiia
2017Preserving the author's individual style in the Russian translation of Alessandro Baricco's novel "City"Алова Любовь Владимировна; Alova Liubov
2017Linguistic means of stylisation and strategies of translating them into Russian: Evidence from the book "Das Baby: Inbetriebnahme, Wartung und Instandhaltung"Павлова Ангелина Викторовна; Pavlova Angelina
2017Word play in the works of Raymond QueneauДемидова Ольга Игоревна; Demidova Olga
2017The translation aspect of the linguistic interpretation of the persuasiveness category in the English legal discourseХацко Екатерина Денисовна; Khatcko Ekaterina
2017Transgressive fiction by Chuck Palahniuk and the specifics of its translation into RussianВерницкая Анна Александровна; Vernitskaya Anna