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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The Sports Aspect in the Chinese Diplomacy at the Current StageЛю Чжаои; Lu Czaoi
2023The Phenomenon of Chinese Diplomacy in terms of the State Image Formation at the Current StateЛю Сяо; Lu Sao
2023The Role and Prospects of Confucius Institutes in the Framework of Belt and Road InitiativeЦюй Чан; Cuj Can
2023The Transformation of the Role of the EU as a Foreign Policy Actor under the Conditions of Political TurbulenceМорозов Максим Константинович; Morozov Maksim Konstantinovic
2018Russian ‘soft security’ mechanisms in terms of modern international affairs: political analysisПетрушенко Мария Федоровна; Petrushenko Maria
2018External activities of European ethno-national regions: Challenges and prospects of Scotland, Catalonia and FlandersКагриманян Алексан Сергеевич; Kagrimanyan Aleksan
2018Information activity of the Pentagon at the current stage: System, strategy and projectsИльичев Илья Игоревич; Ilichev Ilya
2018International Information activities of the USA and the Russian FederationКулдышева Эльза Имран кызы; Kuldysheva Elza
2018International cultural ties of the PRC in the framework of BRICSГао Вэньцзин; Gao Wenjing
2018A new NATO security architecture: American and European trendsНеумывальченко Дмитрий Борисович; Neumyvalchenko Dmitry
2018Current UN initiatives on the protection of common heritage of mankindИзнауров Ахмед Саламбекович; Iznaurov Akhmed
2018Dialogue between Russia and the EU in the context of regional cooperationБондаренко Екатерина Владимировна; Bondarenko Ekaterina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12