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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020On proof systems based on binary decision diagramsСмирнов Петр Юрьевич; Smirnov Petr Urevic
reviewSV_Scan_49.jpeg.jpg2020Repeated posted price auctionsБаркарь Алиса Георгиевна; Barkar Alisa Georgievna
2020Tropical sets in graphsВагин Евгений Юрьевич; Vagin Evgenij Urevic
2020Taut strings accompanying random processes and random walksБлинова Дарья Игоревна; Blinova Dara Igorevna
2020On conservativity of pure and weight-exact functorsСоколов Игнат Александрович; Sokolov Ignat Aleksandrovic
2020Automorphic Hardy classes and logarithmic capacityКоненков Степан Денисович; Konenkov Stepan Denisovic
2020Knot transformation graphsМиллер Алексей Юрьевич; Miller Aleksej Urevic
2020Algebraic and semi-algebraic proof systems using algebraic circuitsАлексеев Ярослав Юрьевич; Alekseev Aroslav Urevic
2020New classes of minimal knot diagramsАлексеев Илья Сергеевич; Alekseev Ila Sergeevic
2020Asymptotic behavior of Krein system solutionsГубкин Павел Васильевич; Gubkin Pavel Vasilevic