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Результаты 251-260 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The principle of social justice in the development of the Arctic's migration policyБулдакова Дарья Валерьевна; Buldakova Daria
2017The legal fundamentals of the gender equality policy of the Kingdom of Sweden: Family and labour aspectsРахимзянова Рената Робертовна; Rakhimzyanova Renata
2017The role of the negotiation process in the settlement of the armed conflict in eastern UkraineИвановский Денис Александрович; Ivanovskii Denis
2017The cooperation of executive and legislative authorities on the issue of immigration in the United States of America during the presidency of Barak ObamaТитенкова Александра Анатольевна; Titenkova Aleksandra
2017The role of French cultural centres in Russia in the implementation of France's current foreign cultural policyГулак Дарья Артуровна; Gulak Daria
2017Policy of the Russian Federation concerning unrecognized states and states with limited recognition in the Post-Soviet space: A case study of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria and Nagorno-KarabakhНиживинская Янина Вячеславовна; Nizhivinskaya Yanina
2017Soft power and its representation in social media: Evidence from Facebook, Twitter, and InstagramНикулин Клим Олегович; Nikulin Klim
2017Key features of oil and gas MNCs in transition states. Case studies of ExxonMobil in Angola, Venezuela, and RussiaИльиных Мария Алексеевна; Ilinykh Mariia
2017The prospects of cooperation of the BRICS countries in the ArcticГорбунова Полина Александровна; Gorbunova Polina
2017The EU–Russia cooperation issuesТукаев Андрей Рашидович; Tukaev Andrei